
I just took it as her meaning the feeling of being betrayed, not the act itself.

Now we just need someone to replace Lena Dunham, and a show to replace this one, and we'll be all set.

How on earth do you single out one character from Girls for being irredeemably irritating?

Max Fischer is easily the most irritating part of the overrated pile of schmaltz that is Rushmore.

I grew up with Sesame Street. Grover specifically referred to himself as a monster, many times. He uses "Monster" as a surname in some appearances.

There were non-grotesque children on Rugrats?

The Boogeyman from Real Ghostbusters scared the crap out of me. That giant face on those little cloven feet. Brrrrr.

The most horrifying part for me was the Coachman's line, "They won't come back — as BOYSSSSS!" where his face turns into a devil's leer at the end of the sentence, complete with hair horns.

"They're Creeping Up on You" fucked me up for life. It didn't help that our house got a roach problem after I saw it.

Maybe without visual distractions, you can just focus on how annoying her voice is.

I hate Wes Anderson's movies so much that I blamed him for "I <3 Huckabees," which wasn't even his fault.

They changed their tagline to "America's Newsroom."

"Better than PewDiePie" probably shouldn't be your go-to defense.

I spent all of House of the Devil hoping she'd survive, and all of Frances Ha wishing for the opposite.

"Someone is having fun somewhere. *harrumph*"

"Mr. Tarantino, are you in fact aware that you don't actually have a 'pass' to use the n-word?

The third Saw movie could never compare to the

16% want Dennis Miller? What the hell?

"But the idea that this show is akin to a Rubik’s cube is only accurate in that no matter how much you fiddle with that toy, you’re bound to revisit some of the same squares."

"Its." "It's" is a contraction for "it is." Good job on the Oxford comma, though.