
Maybe if more artists diverted some of their creativity into making potato salad, we would have fewer starving artists.

I'm pretty sure the people with empathy are happy for the guy's unexpected windfall.

People "better" stop acting like he'd "better" do anything with his money other than exactly what he wants to. He's not obligated to do anything to soothe your indignant fee-fees.

No. Potato salad.

What are you doing pissing and moaning on the internet? THERE ARE DYING CHILDREN FOR YOU TO SAVE.

I hope ten more people donate to potato salad every time someone posts a pissy, resentful, jealous comment about it.

I think I'll stick with non-pretentious potato salad.

We could hope.

"You don't understand!!! My menstrual performance art was going to change the world!!!!!!"

Methinks your anger and bitter tears would be better aimed at a society where someone has to depend on charity to cover medical costs, because we've decided that human health is a luxury only available to those who can afford it.

Well, it's not. And all the bitterness and envy in the world won't make it so.

I'm sorry Bitter and Resentful Comics wasn't the success you would have hoped.

If he adds a stretch goal to shave off that stupid hipster facial hair, I'll donate like a motherfucker.

Potato salad is more important to me than your dream of being able to work "I studied abroad" into every conversation.

Someone needs to look up what karma actually is before they start darkly muttering about applying it to someone who made a lighthearted potato salad joke that exceeded his wildest dreams.

That looks terrible. I'm sticking with potato salad.

Normcore is the term for when hipsters stop dressing like absolute tits.

That part about bathing in the sweet, sweet tears of artists is actually kind of a selling point for the potato salad.

"You are responsible for my actions!"

Yikes! The dreaded "I am rubber, you are glue" comeback! You really are smarter than the rest of us! :O