
Good thing SNL is on NBC

He threw him off North Korea's version of the AggroCraig

Karl walking in to the police station reminded me of Saul's first appearance on Breaking Bad.

I was just google mapping the distance between Luverne and Fargo a couple weeks ago and was shocked to see it came up as like 3 hours and 50 minutes. I would have guessed within 90 mins, tops. I was also surprised to see that, from the original movie, Brainerd is around 3 hours from Fargo as well.

Haven't they already mentioned that they have most of the judges in town in their pocket? (Aside from the one Rye Buscemi killed of course)

Why is everyone assuming he didn't? Just because it wasn't shown on screen? I just figured she had already left by the time he woke up.

How do we know he didn't look through the house and realize she was gone?

I don't know if that "Glen or Glenda" reference was on purpose, but I laughed.

Considering them made a nod to the first season with the "good luck dumbass" line, it's not impossible that Glenn will be saved by being covered in blood and guts, just like in the first season.

I thought the death was slightly telegraphed as well. Granted, I did hear that there would be "something sad" happening tonight, but as soon as I noticed that Glenn was the first person to appear on screen tonight, I thought, "Yep, Glenn's dead". It was either him or Michonne.

All I was thinking was: Who's gonna tap that sweet redneck farm girl ass now that Glenn is out of the picture? Let's hope Big Red swoops in first. Time for her to experience a man's man.

Sorry, but this was a solid A… No minus. Instant classic and one of the best in years.

I was hoping it was an indication that the kid finally overdosed like Renton, except floating in the pool with no Mother Superior to throw him into a cab to get thrown out of at the hospital.

Not really… A good junkie would pretend to take the pills, like everything's fine, stockpiling them for a later date while getting high off the good stuff in the meantime. He'd never let any opiate go to waste.

The "hot hot hot" thing goes all the way back to the episode where Randy sets the record for shitting the biggest turd. The "hut hut hut" in "Go Fund Yourself" was referencing that.

Haven't you ever watched porn? It happens all the time… It's a very natural thing to do in that position with your bro!

I was honestly struggling to figure out if she actually was Kate Mulgrew… But then I remembered she's on Orange is the New Black and her head is 5x bigger than this imposter Captain Janeway's nowadays.

I'm half joking, but it is pretty funny/sad to see the "black guy dies" horror movie trope fulfilled over and over again on this show.

So much for racially diversifying the cast. Sgt Carver is the only black guy left on the show and I can't imagine him making it through the rest of the season.

All the characters should be constantly asking that question when Carol's offscreen.