
Why'd they call it "The Godfather"? My Godfather doesn't run around, organizing crime all day. But seriously, I don't know. Maybe it's meant to be a broad title in an ironic way. Maybe it's a reminder that unlike most shows, the story is only going to be through the perspective of the female characters while the men

NYC in the 80's and NYC today are two completely different entities in almost every way possible. Much of the city was a dangerous, filthy hellhole from the 60's to early 90's. Sure it was still expensive compared to freakin Louisville or Tucson, but people were trying to get out, not go in.

That's where you seem to be missing the point: There's nothing unconscious about it. Dunham knows exactly who she is, who Hannah is and who her critics are and she does a fine job at poking fun of all three.

I totally agree. I also hate mobsters, meth cooks, crooked cops, medieval feudal lords, KGB spies, and zombies… Doesn't mean they can't make for some compelling television.

Did you ever stop and think that maybe… just maybe… the "voice of a generation" comment was meant to be taken ironically? Just throwing that out there for you to chew on.

Do you think the conversation with her parents on the phone in the last episode was contrived? Of course it was! It was also freaking hilarious. It's an absurd exaggeration of the sort of conversation I'm sure we've all had with our parents… and it works.

Exactly. Not everything is realism people. Kevin Smith is a good example of characters responding to each other as if they had three hours to come up with something witty. You can also find this in Tarantino films. Some people like it, and some don't. I, for one, like the dialogue on Girls much more often than not.

Is it weird that this show makes me wish I was a Cold War era KGB super spy? I'm usually so patriotic!

That's about the worst fate a KGB super spy could ever ask for. Getting killed by an 8 year old would be more dignified.

The name of the band is Talking Heads!!!!

Do you think borderline personality disorder is an appropriate diagnosis for Dennis? I'm not sure I quite agree with that. There are shades of it in there due to his fear of rejection, but really he's just a narcissistic, histrionic sociopath.

Exactly - and I'd venture to say that the majority of young, non-native New Yorkers who are going to school or have recently graduated from school have some form of support from family or friends. The place is too bloody expensive to live in otherwise.

Again, I don't get it. You've already acknowledged that Dunham doesn't view this as a universal story about the trials of growing up, so why are you trying to turn it into something that it's not? I can understand if you just aren't into watching the lives of the privileged, but if you're waiting for Hannah to become

I don't get it. You answered your own question with Dunham's quote. It's "their" (her) story. Privileged people don't have to worry about money as much as the rest of us. Dunham has been incredibly clear about that, how is that being dishonest? Privileged people do exist in this world and I like to hear their story

I love how they've all only been in there for several days and are already that desperate for sex that they need to rape a little Latino boy.

What really doesn't make sense to me is I don't even think they're supposed to be in prison. It should be county jail, unless we're to believe that Juice already had a trial, was convicted and sentenced to multiple years for shooting out the cops' tires all over the course of a couple days. Which means that Marilyn

Um.. Because brown people are animals … Duh… Didn't you learn anything from the Trayvon Martin case ?

Ya- like with as many deadweight, useless characters they have on this show who are just dying to be killed off … It would really piss me off if it ends up being Jessica… The woman who makes me feel like oh so young again … As much as I love Pam- I'd rather see her go over Jessica- for the eye candy factor alone -

I wonder if Stannis/Melissandre's Lord of Light sorcery from last week played a part in this … They did drop the "Usurper Robb" leech into the fire after all… And this Lord of Light stuff doesn't usually mess around… And the real giveaway to me was the fact that Dragonstone was shown in the opening credits, yet we

Yea flaya hatah!