
So because of that the movie needs queers in it?

So far we’ve had four main characters whose sexuality are expressed across seven movies: Anakin, Padme, Han, Leia.
We only know their sexual orientations because they have kids, not because it’s important to the story.

I expect your first article as editor to be titled “I hate Marvel and DC movies more than Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler combined."

To the saga, but not this movie. There is absolutely no reason to think that ANY character is or is not LBGT based on this movie alone, other than maybe Finn being into Rey.

So because procreation exists then the sexuality of every character has to be explored? That’s complete and utter bullshit.

To be fair, It didn’t become “Forbidden” until the god awful prequels. The original movies and the EU were totally cool with Jedi hooking up with people

Actually the franchise was literally born of immaculate conception.

How often do straight people have to come out in regards to their sexuality?

Please answer me this. Why does anyone have to have a gay or lesbian character in their story? Does a character’s sexuality even matter in a story like Star Wars?

You’re asking young people who are trying to be funny and edgy to be smart, AND you’re asking them to make sure that things said in private are palatable to everyone in the public. Fuck off man. What they said is wrong, but you can’t thought police people. Until such a time as they discriminate or intimidate or harm a

I realize this may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see why I should care. Every person is allowed to be racist, sexist, or prejudiced in whatever way they want to be as long as they’re not infringing on anyone else’s rights. Their life will be affected by their choices. Why do I have to care that they’re garbage

Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

That's a pretty dumb idea of what constitutes private.

Listen, these kids might be fucking racist morons, but its also possible one kid was trying to be edgy and funny and the rest followed suit. Its a fucking group text, they aren’t burning crosses.

This was not a “crowded” place. It was private text messages. A public university is bound by the 1st Amendment.

But one should expect a reasonable level of privacy when it’s a conversation that wasn’t meant to go outside the involved parties’ devices.

In that case, it hasn’t truly failed. It’s failed in your opinion, because you don’t like him.

Thx. Gonna do that.

“How to fix what I perceive as wrong with Game of Thrones”