
Thankfully Disney is smart enough to know the vocal minority doesn't mean shit.

So because of that the movie needs queers in it?

Because these safe space SJW faggots have to have something to bitch about and what better way to show kids the way to the Gaydom than through their favorite movies.

Damn shame they won't shut this place the fuck down along with gawker with you at the helm.

Just another reason to quit fucking with the bullshit known as Amazon.

Such a pussy ass bitch.

Of course is a bullet point SJWing about the sexual content.

Kill yourself you whiny piece of shit.

Oh fucking cry about it. Does the truth offend you? The PC crowd is going to be the downfall of humanity once they run every person they deem offensive off they'll have to turn to each other to find something to get offended by.

Go fucking kill yourself if you truly think that you piece of shit.

Oh because Vegas is the know all of the election process. I’m not sure you could more like an uneducated dumbass if you tried. Seriously, kill yourself faggot. Living up to the hillbilly name, didn’t know they swayed left but all faggots love Killary and feeling the AIDS bern.

You are fucking delusional apparently.

You’re gonna be so fucking butthurt when he wins the presidency too, which you can keep denying all you want but you know it’s inevitable.

Because Shmi Skywalker was extraordinary mirite? I can't wait for it to not be of any consequence who her parents are. What strong willed independant Mary Sue needs parents anyways?

Shut the fuck up you dumb whiny cunt. For fucks sake you kinja faggots sure know how to cry.

Quit lying. I don't get why people have to bullshit about something to feel included. I'm willing to bet you weren't even aware about SpaceX attempting this until the last year when the rest of the world woke up to it.

Don't let these fucking losers feel guilty for finding something funny. Truthfully this whole situation is pretty fucking hilarious but leave it up to kinja to shame people into being aghast at what the writers are aghast about.