
You’re brave. And hilarious. But I can understand how it could be scary. This person is already behaving in a sexually violating way by exposing themselves. I would just be uncomfortable and not feel secure enough to confront them, probably. I mean, you’d have to be some level of nuts (ha) to do that. Who knows what

Sometimes when I get out of the car I do a Britney Spears-style flash. Typically no one is around, and it’s quick, so it doesn’t really matter. Any chance this guy was just having a wardrobe malfunction? It would be pretty lame if the PD posted a photo of me spread eagle getting out of my car and wanted to arrest me

Yes, I understand how it works. The point is you don’t get social security because you were a good American and paid your taxes. You get social security (presumably, except for when I’m retirement age and the program is gone) because you paid into that system and are due a payout.

OK, but social security isn’t a magic bonus you receive for paying taxes. It’s money you get back for putting into the system. So you should still be able to “outsmart” the system through cash income and not paying federal taxes, set some aside for your own retirement, and still come out on top.

I actually did mean an ECG. It’s a different test.

Their mothers have multiple jobs? That’s a compliment! A racist person would have said their mothers don’t work at all and just leech off of the welfare system!

We all did, Will. We all did.

The lesson here is to never self-implicate.

They probably think you’re brainwashed, too. It’s all pandering, just to different values.

No, I agree. It’s completely inexcusable and I think they do deserve criminal consequences. I’m just pointing out that the issue isn’t as simple as “just seek medical treatment.” I’m talking about the U.S. Medical costs, deductibles, insurance costs - they’re becoming increasingly prohibitive. I work full-time,

I live in Texas. The republican women I know mostly don’t work, don’t want to work, and love the lord. It’s not hard for them to reconcile at all.

You should meet my friend.

If that’s the only thing you see similar, then you’re not engaging in the same discussion. I clearly explained the comparison that both could be due to lack of medical treatment. Carry on in your... jezebel echo chamber. you “have to” seek medical care for your kid no matter what, or not? So if your kid’s doctor orders a $3400 heart ECG and your family can’t afford it, and the kid later dies of undetected heart issues, that’s criminal too? If you can’t afford healthy produce, so you feed your kids processed shit, and they

I see the same issue on a spectrum of terrible. Just because this scenario is worse doesn’t mean it’s not similar.

I understand all of that. What I’m asking is where is the line drawn? So if they withheld treatment because of money, is that better? If the child was older, say 19, would that be OK because they’re an adult?

These parents are terrible, and I agree they are guilty of criminal neglect. But how is this different than the Americans who die of treatable medical conditions all the time? Cancer patients who don’t have access to and can’t afford treatment, struggling middle class families who don’t qualify for assistance but

The attacks against her seem unfair to me. A young woman winds up working for his organization, is thrust into a job she’s really not qualified for, and does her best to manage the demands of the role while balancing his outrageous behavior and approach to the campaign. He clearly doesn’t want her to have any


I was pretty into this show early on (as in early seasons, not early in this season). I’m so over it. It’s completely uninteresting, the storylines are over-manipulated, the people are cheesy fame-seekers, just all of it is lame. Sometimes I’ll flip it on just to see if it catches my interest, and it never does. Bleh