That’s fantastic. Also, I’m sorry that happened to you.
That’s fantastic. Also, I’m sorry that happened to you.
Demi has always struck me as a desperate wannabe. Never quite on par with the other little tweeny celebs, but always acting like she didn’t notice.
...victim blaming is caused by drinking? How does that work?
Ugh, people are vile.
They’re not automatically disqualified, it just may come up in the juror questioning phase. Then it’s up to the attorneys if they want to pass on the person for that reason or another.
I was once hanging out with a group of male friends in high school, when one of them said, “ok, let’s do what we came here to do,” and gestured toward me. It was a joke (so funny!), and I laughed it off, but looking back it’s pretty horrifying.
I am astonished that you believe you have seen more focus on rapists than on rape prevention. Honestly astonished. That isn’t my take or experience at all. It seems every time I hear about rape it’s in the context of, “don’t leave your friends alone, don’t drink too much, don’t accept drinks from strangers, don’t go…
So.... rape is caused by drinking?
Honest question about rape culture. If our society is guilty for glorifying rape in movies, music and video games and for promoting aggressiveness as a male trait, etc., are there more instances of rape than there were before these things? Or more instances of rape than in similar cultures that lack some of these…
At 18 your kids should probably choose for themselves.
What about that other Wall Street movie about a black man finding success and “happyness” through wealth? That was a nice story, no? Money = happyness!
“depiction of bad behavior does not constitute endorsement of said bad behavior.”
Well, I guess that puts it in a different context. But then I would be prompted to note that I also don’t think Kylie is glam.
So true; great point.
Maybe try calling them little boys?
LOLz then I wonder why they do it
Like, if she had just stayed at home this probably never would have happened, amirite?
Sports fund colleges.
Baylor has student worship services where they cheer and celebrate the conversion of non-Christian students to Christianity. They’re just a really Christian school, you see.
I agree with increased restrictions on all firearm purposes. Make them more cumbersome to get, absolutely.