Jez~Curious (science nerdling)

Oh my, that cheek pinch? The joyful giggle? The hip sway? Reminding her that he’s her president?

i’m not crying you’re crying

I haven’t seen Observe and Report but from what I’ve heard that movie is meant to be fucked up for the actual story, like his character is legitimately unstable and a bad person.

Yeah, it’s not like Beyonce has a huge clutch of fanatic followers who will go and harass anyone who they think disrespects their queen.

I don’t even remember the last time I watched Superbad. In the bigger scheme of things, gay jokes don’t really bother me all that much, and the ones in Deadpool weren’t half bad. Just hammer politicians into legislating equal protection rights for GSD people into law, and I’m all good.

except Reese’s Pieces. 51 is a serving. mmmm

Good for him. Leave him be

I agree. This just seems like a nice guy taking his kids/grandkids out. Don’t hunt him down so Nick Denton can get a few more dollars from clicks. Leave him alone.

We disagree on a lot but this is something we agree upon. The last thing this guy needs is the QueenBey stan army coming for him for the crime of not bowing in adulation and hanging on every word out of the queens mouth.


I’d probably do the same thing.

And still Phyllis Schafly draws breath.

Hearing about this ripped my heart out, again. I lost my wife several months ago - cardiac arrest in her sleep. I know his pain well.

It’s been 1 year and 3 months since I lost my husband, we were both 41. Some days I still feel like I can’t catch my breath as I try to pull myself out of the crater. While it is a daily, sometimes hourly, struggle, I too know that he would want me to live life to the fullest. My condolences on your loss.

My sister passed away the day after, on April 22nd. She definitely left a blast crater as well. I hope I can get through this.

It is well-written and shares her life and self fantastically. You did well Patton.

Concur. To me it had a more “I was impressed by a young kid who is standing out in an otherwise desolate wasteland” vibe than a creepy one.

Yeah, I think the creep factor of him saying he likes that show and recognizes Miley as a talented performer is being made a bit too much of in this piece.

“She hasn’t left a void. She’s left a blast crater.”

This broke my heart. I love Patton Oswalt - he’s one of my favorite comedians and seems to have a really good heart. I can’t imagine losing my husband so suddenly. This made me want to go hug him so tightly.