stick to baseball!!!
stick to baseball!!!
Doesn’t this belong on Deadspin? Oh...
Conservatives (including some of the idiots in the greys here) have never let the truth or actual reality get in the way of a good moral outrage. It’s what makes it so rich when they accuse “woke” people of always looking to be offended.
These assholes, her dad included, would much rather she present as male up until a suicide at age 14, than let her live a healthy, happy life as female until a ripe old age. How can you talk to people like that? What could you say to make them change their mind?
Part of me wants to ask “what the fuck makes dudes like this think shit like this is okay?”
The rest of me understands: “Entitlement. Entitlement, and a culture that has been content until just recently to say ‘boys will be boys.’”
Thank god the second part of that appears to be experiencing some pushback, at least.…
Cool to see how many folks here aren’t gonna let facts, or lack thereof, get in the way of assuming they know better than the reported facts (or the court that granted a restraining order).
Squat and crunch endlessly with her pink kettlebell and yoga ball. These are fun, right? Exercise is self-care, especially when the equipment is whimsical. Keep squatting and crunching until your body aches but your mind is quiet.
This is some deep existentialist terror inducing shit.
Edit: actually, let me try to be nicer
Argued in the past for the abolition of sanctuary cities, voted for the Iraq war, got into politics explicitly to oppose school desegregation vis a vis busing, accommodated the banks and finance sector of his state in much of the deregulation which set the stage for the recession, argued for more over-policing of…
Your proper use of an interrobang pleases me. A star for you.
I used to do a lot of work in the mansions of billionaires, and one of them was filled with entirely paintings of dogs. Hundreds and hundreds of dog paintings. They also had like, zebra-stripe print carpet on their stairs and shit.
However, they did not own a dog. Weird shit.
How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream…
You also have to buy two wardrobes because most kids do not want to be seen in public in uniforms and change out of them as soon as they get home, that means double laundry and double wardrobes and during the grown spurt years that can be very costly to have to keep buying more and more because most uniforms are not…
I just told my partner the other day that if I was a parent of a kid in a uniform school district, that kid would have the baddest shoes, or bookbag or something. Kids are people. People need to express themselves.
That is how it plays out. It does not have to.
I've been commenting on Trump posts with "this guy sucks forever ass" for a few months now, and they always get way more stars then my earnest comments, but i think it might be time to turn the gun on Biden. I loved him when he was VP, but fuuuuuck.
For the record, PETA has a history of euthanizing perfectly healthy animals. In one case, they outright stole somebody’s dog and euthanized them (
oh my god
No one hand-waved away 150 years of oppression against Asians, Jews or any other group. That’s literal definition of whataboutism. If noting that anti-___ violence and sentiment is not the same as a system that explicitly codified the legal rape, torture and murder of one group of people is pretending it doesn’t exist…