I definitely see what point youre going for but that is an absolutely BUCKwild way to speak about people that were murdered. I’m all for discarding the ‘respect the dead’ mentality but I’m super not for just shitting on them for no reason.
I definitely see what point youre going for but that is an absolutely BUCKwild way to speak about people that were murdered. I’m all for discarding the ‘respect the dead’ mentality but I’m super not for just shitting on them for no reason.
I feel like if i was disrespected in line for a chicken sandwich and i cared enough to kill a man that has as much to do with the chicken as the level of respect.
THATS WHAT WAS BOTHERING ME. Apparently i find her makeup so upsetting i just straight up can’t look at her face
Shes not contending that there was a third person there right? Like this is all her saying that a woman taking a nap was harrasing her? What is she even saying the video will reveal? The third person? Or that she did actually call the police or a woman taking a nap? Even if the police were mean to her that’s not…
I can’t believe that the reasoning they gave was that the cops couldn’t be bothered by the consequences of their actions. Really saying the quiet part loud, huh?
And then they’d put ‘beloved son’ on the headstone. I truely can’t fathom that these people don’t realize they’re in the worng. They make concious decisions to be pieces of shit. You can’t change their minds because the decision they’ve made is to ignore what is right.
Okay I’ll break down a few things here. First just because someone is not Homophobic or even is ostensibly an ally to gay men and women they can be Transphobic. I’d specifically point you in the direction of T.E.R.F.’s (Trans exclusionary radical feminists) people that are feminist and fight for womens rights but have…
It’s called a hate crime, bud. A crime, normally violent, that is motivated by the agressors predjudice. While certainly i do err on the side of believing people when they make these types of claims the desire for further information and context is certainly a valid one. But to say that the story lacks ‘any sort of…
I feel like it has something to do with how much people love Rosario Dawson (though I never really had context for why) added to how people feel about transfolks and transmen in particular a lot of people are going to assume they know better.
I can literally not fathom how you don’t see a motive here. The whole thing is god damn motive. If they’re transphobic that’s the motive. Context was given in full ‘knew them as a gay woman felt comfortable enough to come out and was beaten for his identity.’ is a fair amount of context.
somehow i think ‘Maybe he’s hiding something?’ Would be the preferrable option
The two aren’t mutually exclusive. If I’m taking a test and I’m fed the wrong answer the person who fed me that answer and I are both wrong. The computer may have gotten it wrong as a result of the programmers but that’s way clunkier to an unnecessary degree.
I’d like for my country not to sentence people to death because they don’t have money
Blocking the street, i think. Which is of course just an excuse to arrest her for protesting
I really don’t think that the desire not to have someone say a slur is unreasonable no matter who that person is. It’s not on the same level as the n-word or calling someone a faggot (I’m gay bitch) but far from something that you should mock and disregard. Just because doesn’t carry the same ‘cultural weight’ doesn’t…
They were playing CoD and all those guns sounds really spooked him
I feel confident saying yes to this without looking it up
You know cops can smell guns so when they catch a whif and see a black person its time to pop off nothing for it their lives are obviously in danger
Love how their response isn’t about the wages or increasing oversight on all their factories. ‘What’s that? Beaten and underpaid? Well why don’t we just look into that?’
Some less than above board streaming sites will have them