Jharkins: The Last Millennial

That’s a great point! Uniforms can be expensive so poorer students may only be able to afford a limited number of them which would lead to colors draining faster and fabrics wearing out not to mention hand-me-down uniforms that have gone through this process even more times.

I’m white, youre racist, and racism is built into our school systems and dress codes whether white people are involved or not.

You’re talking about a uniform not a dress code which is honestly worse than a dress code. They have always said uniforms level the playing field for poorer students but in actuality it takes away the ability of all students to express themselves. Dress codes being the rules that dictate what students can or cannot

This is just them saying the quiet part loud. the entire point of a dress code is to police the bodies of PoC and women. It’s something they can point to and say this is why you’re wrong this is why we’re punishing you for expression. Dress codes are always, have always, and will always be racist and sexist. Their

God I can’t stand Pat Toomey he’s an absolute piece of shit and I can’t wait till i get the chance to vote him out. He doesn’t have an open email you go to his site put your email and message into a box and then he respondes with a non-reply email address. He does everything in his power to avoid having to actually

I mean you have 2 valid points but steam has had a chokehold on computer based gaming for as long as i can remember. I doubt, and have plenty of evidence to support in other failed services, that epic would be able to do much of anything without gettingt hese exclusives.

I honestly can’t fathom why people would feel bumbed it’s not going to steam. Is it a multiplayer game? Cause otherwise what’s the problem it’s no where near as bad as playstation/xbox exclusives and people don’t flip their lid everytime one of those is announced.

Funny how there are constently new safety features being added to base model cars when no one cares about car accidents.

I smell a person who thinks people with ADHD are just being lazy.

Thought I was going to read about the inherent predjudice people have against robots as a whole but ya know what this is also interesting.

One of the most infuriating parts of the legal system is how hard it fights to keep people imprisoned. The actual murderer has been confessing for a decade and yet the system kept the wrong man in prison. The system is not built to allow for courts to be wrong and no matter how much evidence you have that they are

‘Listen, Joe. I just don’t think that you should stay in the race. give me a call.’ Obama on bidens voicemail

I mean calling a 54yo african-american woman ‘kid’ has a lot of implications that shouldn’t just be shrugged off.

But in all fairness most of us will forget this ever happened and the next time we see his name go ‘Who?’

Centrists are so sure that this middleaged straight white man is going to fail up it’s buckWILD

Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created?

Okay I’ll break it down. It’s pretty simple really. We’re taught to think of criminals as ‘less than’ it’s the reason sex workers don’t want to be called prostitues, as soon as you use the term to describe them they’re devorced from the fact that they’re people. Call a child an attacker and they’re no longer a child.

Literally any word that describes the action taken without seperating a child from their humanity. How about thrower that’ll work. Or maybe make it so that people can understand who you’re talking about through ‘context clues’ I know WILD concept.

Please don’t refer to a 10yo child as an ‘Attacker’

A variety of reasons not least of which that Pence would be less likely to be reelected. On top of that the mark of having a president in your party impeached is not an insignificant one