
It’s weird because I’m Irish in Ireland here and certainly there have been tremendous hardships, oppression, famine, mass emigration and so on but....I have never heard what the Irish endured termed as “slavery” so I’m not sure where this comes from? Also it’s not tragedy Olympics for god’s sake, it’s stupid to try

Seriously? There were 6 males that I counted on stage (back left corner, back & just left of LG, back row near edge of piano, front row right of piano, far right front row & directly behind LG). VP Biden specifically mentioned male victims in his speech, as did Lady Gaga when quoting statistics before she performed.

I’ll never forget the time in high school when some kid said something wasn’t what a real man would do. My teacher (lady must have been in her 70's) told him that a real man doesn’t worry about what people think real men do. That concept has meant so much for me and helped me become the person I am today.

Heh. My son (a sophomore in college now) is a musician. He’s one of those rare freaks that can pick up any musical instrument and make it work in a few minutes. When he was a freshman in high school they did one of those exercises where they have the kids decide what they want to do for a living and have them plan

And that right there is why I dropped everything and took my Vette to an elementary school “race car day” last spring. I let every last kid who wanted to crawl around in the driver’s seat and signed about a million “autographs” while answering every last question they threw at me. Things got broken, other things got

Perhaps someone with good contacts could reach out to Sabine or the Force sisters and ask them to visit the girl’s class to talk about who exactly can go racing.

There is just an honesty here that you can’t deny. It was the same things with Same Love. You know he is trying to do SOMETHING with his fame and that is what is important here. I think that we WANT people at his level to question it and educate themselves and try to do that with others....the reason Iggy Azalia is so

I think Bohemian Rhapsody is the Bohemian Rhapsody for EVERY generation.

“I have black friends”

So is everybody.

Lindy’s comment on it gave me chills, because I remember how kids called me a ‘n——-’ growing up and those same white kids loving rap/hip-hop. Good on Macklemore and good for Aham.

My son is 12 years old and he loves Macklemore. I had mixed feelings about him until my son asked me about the first White Privilege song and what it meant. I am so grateful for an opportunity to start an important conversation with my kiddo about our privilege in a way that doesn’t come across as another lecture from

He’ll get criticism for this, but I really love it as a conversation starter for white people who are afraid or don’t know how to talk about white privilege. There’s always 10 different opinions on how and when it should be done, but kudos to him and these awesome ladies for opening a dialogue.

This guy, Macklemore? This is the kind of try-hard that I like.

Oooh, I feel you! After he left Texas, he worked in the office of the large DC law firm where I worked. I can’t tell the story because it might out me but within days of arriving he established that he was such a greedy, arrogant, shitty human being that I came home from work and told my husband I wanted to punch that

“By jove, sir, great argument!”

None of those things are quite as efficient and effective at killing. Like, it only takes a second to pull out a gun and put a bullet in someone’s brain.

You could build an entire house out of all that straw.

I want to get it out there that as a former member of the NRA, as somebody who has had a carry permit, and as the owner of several serious guns, I define both “civilization” and “polite society” as “Places where people don’t have to go armed and be ready to kill at a moments notice.”

sveta turns away for a moment; it’s more than she can bear. she stares out the window over the sink at a vast expanse of snow, as if into the uncertain future.