
If you’re tired of talking about GMO in your foods, then you should do what I did and do some research about how the GMO scare is largely a bunch of fucking nonsense, slap your dumb friends with facts, and tell them to shut the fuck up about it so we can go back to civilized discussions about whether you can tame the

I also loved it during Obama’s film piece when he said “F*(bleep)* you, Chuck Todd!”

You are not allowed to be “middle aged” at 42.

One of my favorite lines: “Morning Joe…Morning Joe has its head so up Trump’s ass they bumped into Chris Christie.”

Obama seemed to handle the drone joke okay. He wasn’t trying to incinerate Larry with dirty looks like the rest of them were when they got told. Obama just shrugged it off.

DAMNIT! I should have just said it out loud instead of trying to figure out what Twitter abbreviation it was. Dying laughing over here. Thanks!

White people. = Wy pi po

I just watched the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. I’m a middle age (42) white liberal white lady, and I’m wondering what the fuck is going on with the audience. Good for Larry pushing harder.

to be slightly fair to us wypipo, most of the jokes from white people that make black people feel uncomfortable seem to be ones that center on black people being stupid or inferior in some way that is not about morality. the kind of thing you can get righteously and correctly mad about, but not uncomfortable.

He wasn’t wrong about Wolf either. He is the freaking worst. I was waiting after the boos from the audience for Larry to have a Bernie Mack moment, “I ain’t scared of you motherfuckers!”

I thought he was fucking hilarious too. That crowd needs to pull the sticks out of their asses.

Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.

Stop acting like you don’t understand how quickly something like this wouldn’t escalate. There is absolutely no need for this man’s absolute degrading behavior. He is absolutely vile and engaging with someone like him could quickly escalate to violence.


They should be punished if they harass other people who are just trying to use the bathroom.

or the seat! I’m looking at you toilet hoverers. You sprinkle piss all over the seat and don’t bother cleaning it up. “Ain’t my problem” you say. I want to rub your face all over it.

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

I’ve lived in the Atlanta area for about 7 years now. Previously Iowa, California, AZ, NJ, AK (I’ve lived all over the place). Really, bigotry in GA is not that different from bigotry everywhere else in the country. The difference is that the south has a reputation for it, so when people see it in the south, it

Also, if you’re a cis woman who gets all pissy about the fact that so many trans women (in your minds) embrace “stereotypical femininity”