
Yeah. Where I live the water is really hard so it's a bit cloudy coming out of the tap. But you know what? That cloudyness is calcium and magnesium (because limestone aquafers). That shit is good for you. Just give it a second to settle and drink the damn water.

Why not buy refillable water jugs that you can refill at grocery stores? Or buy a better water filtration system for your house. Salt systems are kind of expensive (couple $100), but can do wonders.

I was wondering where all this "bone broth" shit had come from lately. I mean, I know there are subtle differences between broth and stock (essentially, cooking time, and then you up it by clarifying the liquid for a consommé), but most broths usually are made by cooking bones. (Except for vegetable stock, and some

Food trends are an easy thing to hate. They immediately conjure up thoughts of "foodie" culture, $6 cupcakes, and

I have worked in service for almost 20 years. Countless harassment episodes later and I finally had enough evidence to sue a place I worked for. EEOC complaint, found a lawyer who took it on a contingency, went to trial in front of a judge. Countless other women came before me and were paid off for their silence. I

I worked in restaurants all throughout my 20's. Sexual harassment is a part of the job, so much so that, as both CA Pinkham and the woman in this story say, you just grow accustomed to it being a part of the job, ESPECIALLY from the kitchen staff. I have this strange feeling even typing this, that just acknowledging

I know, I keep asking my taste buds WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM and they refuse to point themselves toward marinara and tomato sauce, unstintingly preferring alfredos and white sauces, which themselves are blasphemous amounts of cream and butter.

Stevia is no. But sushi and green tea? BLASPHEMY

I would say "I don't understand how they're going to try to justify this," because it seems so laughably impossible to justify, but come on. We both know better than that by now.

Well these comments are sure to be fun *elbows on knees, chin resting on fists*

I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who eats something disgusting, even while thinking, "Fuck, this is SO disgusting," and then somehow feel victorious that I ate the whole thing.

I'd be down with the offering, not so much the requiring. It seems a little too much like saying if you're poor, you must be too stupid to feed yourself.

Email the author; he does a regular feature on worst restaurant stories on this blog:

Chuckle. Would you like me to find that cleaning post for you? Seriously, it's saved at least two marriages that I know of by now.

In response to your most recent article on tipping, I got into a discussion with someone who was absolutely sure that the biggest corporate chains couldn't possibly be refusing to make it up to their employees when their tips didn't bring them up to minimum wage, because obviously if that were true a class action

because Jim Henson finds it offensive. #notallmuppets

The best way to BCO is to not jump on it first thing, but to let it marinate for a few hours until there are 1000 comments and it takes half of forever to read.

"Our one manager was basically running a drug ring with the delivery drivers. We all knew it and he used to steal from our tip outs"

Jesus, how stupid do you have to be? If you're running a drug-dealing business, don't steal from or piss off people who know about it and could easily leave an anonymous tip with the

I totally didn't read it as he was Japanese so of course who was racist. I read it as he was a dude who nickel and dimed servers and hired cute minors... Sometimes I wonder if people read through things looking to get enraged. I think we should have a corollary of Godwin's Law about calling people racists. What, you