
The debate does follow the science. Which is why there is no debate. Refusal to accept evidence is not a debate, its a toddler throwing a tantrum.

I've always wanted to be the King of Olive Garden.

I have never read this site before.
Right now, just from these replies?

It was much easier to become a burger king, they were just giving the cardboard crowns away.

be wary of betrayal by Lunchalot and heed the advise of the Mage Malbec

Another breadstick Mr Creosote? I'm sure you have room for one.

"What's so hard about pulling a sword out of a stone? The real work's already been done. You ought to make yourself useful and find the man who put the sword in the stone in the first place, eh?"

Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

Just because some saucy tart hurls a fork at you doesn't make you a king. It's not like some bint can come up out of a pool of duck sauce, fling chop sticks at you and make you emperor of PF Changs.

I like to wait a while, because usually the comments are just as entertaining as the posted stories. Aw, who am I kidding, I'm normally at work at this time of day (spring break FTW - one of few perks for the thankless job of teaching) so I always have to wait until early evening to get my BCO fix!

It's awesome....Everyone gets a monogrammed thermos when they save bread.

I hope you know that I now want an actual thermos that says"I'm allergic to red." This would, of course, be a red thermos.

Ah, Forxcalibur. Alas, many a man has tried to free that fork from within the enchanted block of parmesan, but all that have gone North to this garden of olives have never been seen again.

The lady in the Olive Garden lake of marinara sauce has to choose you, then you have to pull a pasta fork from a block of extra hard cheese.

Some of us don't work near indie coffee shops where they make artisanal handcrafted drinks from shade-grown bird-friendly sustainable coffee beans that were personally rained down from heaven by Jesus himself

Probably had to ensure the stories weren't cut, otherwise they wouldn't be whole wheat.

Simmer down, they had to take all the crunchy out of the stories and that takes time.

I'm reluctant to condone an egging, but it seems justified in this case. My preferred method is coating the windshield with vaseline. It can't be driven until it's cleaned, but what a pain in the ass to try and get it removed. No lasting damage to the vehicle and the look on the cashier's face when you set down a

Man having to wait till 11 is agonizing. How else am I going to get my morning cup of laughs, snark, no tipping-Illuminati, the customer is always right, I'M ALLERGIC TO RED, monogrammed thermos posts?