
I have worked in a number of establishments (from diner to fine dining), and I have NEVER seen anyone mess with anyone's food. I think that some of this is an urban myth, and some of it is just assholes who work in select places, but most places are more concerned with their health code rating than enacting some sort

Excellent! And since I don't care for Doritos, quite useless!

You probably already know that there are assholes who go out of their way to fuck with you because they are assholes. There is nothing to prevent one of those types from being your server or host or whatever. That being said... the overwhelming majority of people in service just want to do their job and they aren't

I play this game with friends sometimes!

4. The power to turn leaves into Doritos

Yes. Butt Trumpets.

Don't you mean... Bung-fu?

My BiL and I have come up with the absolute greatest super power ever concieved: the power to make anybody have uncontrollable diarrhea on the spot. We would mainly use it on asshole drivers who put other people at risk trying to get one car ahead in a traffic jam, but it would definitely come in handy with some of

My son's toots used to trigger the noise activated baby monitor. And he was so tiny.

The fart-fu is strong in this one.

That is some Fart Ninja action right there.

A Seattle restaurant I worked at for over a decade had a lot of LGBT people working for it, because it offered benefits to same-sex partners, long before marriage was legal for them. Whenever any of our LGBT employees would get ill-treatment or hateful comments from customers, or if they were making prejudicial

Screw the family in the last story. They deserved a table by the dumpster. Had my children made fun of a person with special needs, I would have made them apologize. I then would have picked up the family's check and my children would have then had that money deducted out of their allowances until the balance was

My kids and I used to think up useless superpowers:

Some time ago, I was talking about super powers with my sister and we were trying to decide what the best super power would be (we landed on being able to speak any language). We naturally ended up talking about what the worst or least useful super power would be and I said, "being able to see farts." Now I'm

Guys, just so you know… flight attendant here. We do this too. Nonstop, just up and down the aisles. And there's lots of us. Don't be dicks.

OMG, how can people be so horrible to a CHILD? WITH OBVIOUS DISABILITIES??? What in the entire fuck is wrong with people? I'm glad they got crop dusted but true vengeance should be that's all they can smell for the rest of their horrible lives.

Crop Dusting is an art.

There is a long, colorful, at times urban legendary list of horrible things servers do, can do, and have done, to punish customers for being asshats. A lot of it is wishful thinking or just hygienically not ok. But this....

Ugh, that last family makes me wish restaurants had some sort of first-class accommodations to which you could whisk the poor women away for special treatment while the jerks had to watch enviously from an economy booth between the restroom and kitchen.