Oh yes, every Tuesday at 3, then we have afternoon tea
Oh yes, every Tuesday at 3, then we have afternoon tea
My 3 yo makes love declarations to his penis in the bath. As in "hello, my little penis, I'm happy to see you! I love you sooo much!". It's really, really hard to keep a straight face when he does that.
"this is your crotch area,"
co sleeping is fine: my infant and toddler are frequently in bed with me. THAT SAID co-sleeping with a non-parent is not okay, even if the parent is present. Boyfriends can be in the bed OR the kid, but ya gotta pick. Oy. Good luck.
Wow, did she drop the mic in front of the teacher and walk away? That's just bad-ass. I just imagined it as a comic strip.
I'm freaking thrilled, because I was mortified about periods and boobs until an embarrassing age. I got both pretty early and that can be tough. Luckily I befriended one of the most obnoxiously, loudly blunt young women on the planet (I love this woman more than words can say) at twelve and she effectively shocked the…
I changed my two-year-old at the beach this summer and he yelled "It's windy on my penis!"
When my daughter was four she asked what her "front butt" was called. And I told her that it was her labia. And she said, "LABIA?!!? THAT'S a STUPID name! I'm gunna call it HOT LAVA instead." After I died from trying to choke back the laughter, I reminded her we don't say stupid.
My parents were the same way with my sister and I, and I fully agree with them. Our body shouldn't be a mystery to us, and one way to ensure it isn't is to make sure we understand it.
Daughter of one of my Dad's friends had just learned about the whole penis and vagina thing courtesy of having a new baby brother and asked loudly in the middle of a quiet bit of Easter Mass if Jesus had a penis too. I wish like hell we were Catholic so I could've been there to see that.
I have never commented on a jez article so this is weird and scary to me. But I had to bc I have an idea: whenever you need to educate your daughter on something that you (sadly, rightly) believe will be reported to CPS, go to her doctor first. Not to get them to explain it for you, but to get them to say, "Yes, it…
We took the same approach with Little and it's been beautiful. She's 14 and fully comfortable talking about her period, even in front of her step-dad and to her boyfriend. Someone at school whispered to her that her bra strap was showing, so she stood up and shouted "OMG EVERYBODY: my bra strap is visible! Yes, I have…
I taught my children the technical terms for their body parts. One day I was putting my wriggling toddler son into the shopping cart kid's seat I accidentally jammed his junk into the bar that separates his legs, and he started yelling. "My penis, my testicles, you smushed my testicles area! My penis, mommy, you hurt…
But I am terrified of my Ex's boyfriends as my daughter sleeps with my ex when she visits her - even when there's a guy there (a whole other can of worms that I'm working on).
We're potty training right now and it just seems easier to use the proper terms. For some reason, he insists on calling a vagina a 'tile', but is really good at recognizing penises and saying penis over and over again in public. "That man has a penis, that mommy has a tile and boobs!"
We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use…
Right? It's such a weak attempt to discredit someone while still managing to be exceptionally vain and oblivious. "OMG everyone just hates me because I'm so beautiful!!" NOPE they hate you because you're THE WORST.
Ah! the "you're just jealous" defense. One of the top three bullshit defenses, along with "we're not bothering anyone" and "we're just having fun".
Just wondering, what do you think is on that nothing burger? Onions, pickles, lies? Or maybe just mustard and rancid assholes?