
Can being a Paula Deen truther be a thing? Because I can get behind the theory that she's a deep fried soul eater.

"You get vilified when your a villain, that's how it works."

I went on a long, romantic dinner with this comment. This comment gently stroked my hand as I told this comment about my long, tiring day at work. This comment walked me down to the beach and laughed at all my jokes. This comment sat with me as we watched waves roll in, sharing embarrassing but hilarious stories from


But you know, refusing the marriage (and legal required consummation of it) may = maiming and possible death, so that's preferable? Wow.

Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

I don't think Frank shares your views on monogamy, though. Remember what he said to Claire in (I think) the first episode? About how he doesn't need to know if she found comfort in anyone else while they were separated by the war, because he'd understand? If "extramarital sex because we're apart for a long time and in

I'm calling it now: the key ring (haw!) is made from the key to the Lallybroch manor house.

I'm not sure I'd call it adultery if your spouse is not among the living. She's not exactly a widow, but her husband isn't alive since he's not yet born. Luckily, this isnt a problem most of us face.

What followed was one of the few sex scenes I've ever seen that felt like it wasn't written explicitly for men. GAZE, LADIES, GAZE.

Okay I JUST finished this episode and I don't even smoke but I think I need a cigarette or something GODDAMN.

My biggest issue is that the critics seem to listen to the one seemingly offensive line ("I'm bringing booty back /Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that") but not the line immediately after that which clarifies she was joking and not even at their expense: "No I'm just playing. I know you think you're fat/ But

Yes yes and yes!

Presented without comment.

Thank GOD Kelly posts this thing after I leave work. I almost kicked my desk in frustration today when I found a picture of Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch AND Tumbler's boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston DANCING together.

Jamie's motives make sense; Dougal's are murky.

Gawd. I've been waiting for this recap. Like seriously, I kept hitting refresh to see if it was here. I'm sure the IT monitors are now officially monitoring my work-internet-usage. Yes. Yes to all of it.

This episode and recap have reduced me to a giggling schoolgirl.

I have to be real that I boned my husband ridiculous after watching this. Okay, not IMMEDIATELY after, but the seeds had been planted for sexy married boning.

If "bootstraps" fucked a yogurt commercial, the bastard offspring would be "Love yourself more."