
Were they sacrificed to the god of the underworld at Yuletime?

This brings back memories of when my brother, who has significant disabilities, was chosen by the football team to run out on the field and throw an honorary ball at homecoming. He could never play himself because of his disabilities, but he adored the team and handed out water at every practice. Going out on the

Nice story, but they didn't help her "win homecoming queen" as the title suggests. One of the friends won and gave the crown to the bullied girl, which is very gracious and should be celebrated. That's not the same as if they'd renounced their place on the ballot in her favor and campaigned for her to win.

Someone just went out of their way to drive to my house with his young son and return my wallet. I lost it last night at a diner and the hawk-eyed lad saw the logo on it (It's the Imperial logo from the Elder Scrolls games) and told his father.

That's the tone of Jezebel/Gawker. Also Emma Watson is very much like Hermione Granger. The casting in that movie is eerily spot on. Hermione is a good female role model and why Watson is famous. She even acknowledges it in the speech. Personally I think we're lucky to have her in the Potterverse. I don't think

Agreed. People have been shitting on Watson and Jolie for being allowed to address the UN and whatnot, but I've not heard so much criticism directed against DiCaprio for the work he does on climate change. Why is one okay but not the other? Last I checked, Leo's not a climate scientist, so why isn't he being

The problem is that so much work goes on at the UN that no one except for those in the system pay attention to. Bringing people in who are attention-getters and people that others (especially children and youth) look up to not only increases the profile of these meetings, but gets otherwise disinterested people to

Did you, like, skip over the entire second half of the article where she says it's about Men too? It never ceases to amaze me how men, who should be femenism's ally due to the fact that fighting about women's issues will uplift men as well, are actually the ideologies #1 opponent.

Just as an example, let's look at

But...she's the goodwill ambassador, not the people doing the nitty gritty work. She is doing excellently at her specific job: messaging. And what's wrong with that?

I don't think the idea here is that she is oppressed, especially since most of her speech is about the fact that she isn't in ways that so many are. Oh, wait. I just realized what I'm talking to.

True, but when you still have tons of people spouting "I'm not a feminist because I don't hate men", maybe feminism 101 is still necessary.

But given how there are still female celebs saying they aren't feminists since they love men (thank goodness Taylor Swift has been hanging around Lorde and Lena Dunham and has changed her stance), she's covering a 101 that's still fairly misunderstood

Emma Watson is an incredible human being and the smartest witch of her age. I completely agree with her outreach to men to help us achieve gender equality. Men are also negatively effected by the expectations of their gender and both men and women would be better off with equality.

does your farty dog ever far and startle his or herself?

We have a no talking rule in my house. If the door is closed and you suspect someone is taking a poo under penalty of death (unless you are having a pee emergency) you cannot and will not talk to this person.

Christ, yes. A-B-C? Welcome to Pretty Land! Here are beautiful, correctly fitting bras of all shapes, sizes, and colors! The rest of you skanks head over there to "Elderly Hooker" and "Concrete Bridge Abutment."

Now I can't stop singing.

PREACH IT. No cute little lime green cupcake bras for us, because even though our boobs aren't big enough for bras without couch cushion padding, they are big enough that we must be having hawt sexy sex all the time. But if they're too big you get black and beige because you're probably a fatty who is in no way

I went bra shopping and my 5 yr old niece tagged along, saw the leopard bras and screamed "JUNGLE BOOBIES!". I laughed so hard I was crying.