
God I love that game. Soul Reaver has its moments, but Blood Omen is dated in a much more satisfying way. It has the hallmarks of an early PS1 game (voice acting, embedded videos, grisly violence, endless load screens), but it’s also a 2D game with a very 80s/90s design sensibility.

He’s a good voice actor and singer. He’s a lousy writer. 

To be absolutely fair, Seth voices Roger and Stan (and possibly others), and he does fantastic work.

Now playing

If Darksiders is a “Legend of “ game then Blood Omen :Legend Legacy of Kain (PSX), definitely is . Top down , underworld dungeons , upgradeable weapons , upgradeable forms that give you access to new parts of the map, it totally works as “Zelda, but you can drain innocent villagers of blood “ which , when you compare

i wish you were MY union head

Having watched all of Dear White People, I saw this headline and had to wonder “who is Jeremy Tardy? - he’s not the creator, nor any of the main cast, whose names I think I would recognise ... Maybe someone behind the scenes?”.

the white people are coming from INSIDE the production

“I’m seeing big, big spin-off potential!”

Well, I think they were going for a gender-swapped She’s All That, but yeah.

1. Popular “TikTok influencer” who is a millionaire.

“Nobody is buying this in Japan.”

Haven’t bought it yet, but I’m excited to play it on Switch. All they need to do now is bring Pyre to Switch as well.

Love James Brown, and I really enjoyed that trailer but I think they should have just kept the music samples and not used any of the lyrics. I get what they’re going for here but it’s not quite gelling. I do wish more companies would embrace these Hero-having-fun-while-heroing style moments instead have them always

Maybe they just wanted to be unique. James Brown is the most sampled artist of all time, with 7000+ samples. From “I Got a Feeling” “Funky President” His Whoo Yeah Break, “The Payback,” and like a five dozen others. All of those have been sampled to death, for good reason, they’re awesome! But maybe they wanted to

In English context hentai is what you stated, but in Japan it isn’t necessarily: “変態 【へんたい】 (n,vs,adj-no) (1) transformation; (2) abnormality; (3) (abbr) (See 変態性欲) sexual perversion; pervert; (4) {biol} metamorphosis; (5) {chem; physics} transformation; transition; modification”

When I went to Japan a few years ago. The XBox section in most stores looked like the Vita section in US stores. 

All according to keikaku.

the word hentai means abnormal or perverted. it seems Brian decided not to translate that word.

I know it was touched on a little, but it sounds almost like there is a stigma with owning one of these in Japan. I am assuming it has to do with game tastes and a general disdain for western games over there, but none of the comments touched on that. Just the fact that it was an Xbox system. The last comment

“To be honest, those who have an Xbox are hentai gamers.”