
You’re misstating things. 15 years ago, one joint would let you see not a hallucination but the ghost of your dead friend giving you answers to the SAT so you could get into Harvard.

10-15 years ago it was like ‘wow, one joint! we’re going to hallucinate!’

it’s pretty funny how movie teens are just expected to be coke monsters now because the movie drug goal posts have moved.

Also, shouldn’t the sauce be some sort of compliment to the nugget, not just an extension of it? Spicy sauce on a spicy nugget seems redundant.

“ Fired with cause " becomes " Fired just because. "

Every time someone places a custom order, the baby Jesus cries.

Oh god, bring back the beef tallow fries!

Social media is a convenient excuse for someone to get fired. The company gets to duck paying unemployment because the employee was “fired for cause”, while the employee has no recourse and people generally tend to think “well, you shouldn’t be posting things on social media.”

I thought you were joking, Then I read the press release:

I also think they were on the menu when McDs switched from frying thier foods in beef tallow to vegetable oil.

Well then. Happy Belated birthday! I got you a mcflurry, but then I ate it. Sorry!

As this is also my 37-year anniversary, I would like to announce that I am rolling out Spicy Implied Kappa later this month. I will be made available with a number of dipping sauces, including “Long Non Sequitur Only Tangentially Related to Article,” “Overly Intricate Setup for Bad Pun,” “Dated Reference to 90s

They are chicken McNuggets. If these are the questions you have, you do not want Chicken McNuggets

pink slime is meat, just has the living hell processed out of it.

According to McDonald’s official press release, the new McNuggets are “breaded with a sizzling tempura coating made of both cayenne and chili peppers;” as there are over 50,000 types of chili peppers, with one of them being cayenne, this sentence is both redundant and troubling to a person who is unreasonably excited

I think it’s the second major McNugget development since 1983! They switched to “all-white meat” at some point in McNugget history. So, originally, McNuggets were tastier, but occasionally you’d find a slimy interior that was very off-putting to a large segment of the target audience. I for one would welcome the

The Void.

The arcade version was the last one made and the least popular. I think it’s a weird take to claim that is what the series is all about when... it literally never was about that, except for that one weird time where it bombed.

No its made by Wayforward and published by Arc Sys

“Battletoads is broken up into four acts and can be beaten”