
I have kids. I put dinner on the table. Didn’t keep unhealthy snacks in the house. McDonald’s was rare treat or an outing, not an ordinary meal. I tried to prepare meals I knew or thought they would enjoy, and didn’t taunt them with items I knew they’d dislike. They either ate or didn’t. No pressure. I figured they’d

I don’t know that I would want to binge Schoolhouse Rock, but if they were to play them at random before whatever movie/show you choose, I would be down with that 

I was a picky eater, what fixed it was learning to cook for myself. Turns out I was less of a picky eater than it was my mom was/is a shitty cook.

Exactly. Plate goes down. If you don’t eat it in 30 - 40 minutes, you go hungry and I give you Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” so you can learn about the power of hunger.

Oooh, Shao Kahn’s back.

Until this article I had only ever seen the poster, and I simply assumed it was exactly the kind of late 70's high-concept sci-fantasy thing an armored man on a motorcycle holding a morningstar would imply.

Audiences and critics were so baffled by this movie when it came out. Biker movies were passe, Ren. festivals were big but already a mainstream joke, it wasn’t pulpy enough for the drive in market and then there was the movie’s length. I’ve never read Romero’s thoughts on the project but I’m curious to know what was

You may be thinking of Shout! Factory. They’re not Criterion, but they’re the Criterion of the bizarre and unloved. They work hard to do nice Blu-rays of genre and cult films.

It’s interesting how in the battle between Faith and Science (essentially between the Jerrys and Ricks of the world), it was Faith that won hands down. Zeus beat up Rick, and Jerry got Beth to take his side. Rick was only saved by dumb luck (which he hates), in the form of a literal machine in the god resolution by

i think jerry might be the most dangerous character on the show

goes on for enough time to be tedious, but not enough for it to come around to being funny again.

I had pretty much the same feelings as everyone else.

I couldn’t even laugh at it. It flashed me back to middle school and being too timid to speak up for a learning disabled kid who was getting torn down by the cool kids. That kid left the bus crying and didn’t come back to school for two weeks. It was the shittiest I’ve ever felt as a human being.

That was brutal and not particularly witty. I think they wanted us to feel bad for Jerry, maybe to justify him becoming the cult leader of the improductives and starting a war against his own spouse latter in the episode.

I thought too. A sky god that inseminate Gaïa? Check. That gives birth to a bunch of weird proto-humans? Check. He is a shitty dad and kind of hates them? Check check check.

The “God” character kept being compared to Zeus, but considering his coupling with that planet’s version of Gaia, he seemed a lot closer to Uranus.

It was sweet of Beth to acknowledge that, unlike her deadbeat dad, Jerry was there for her at the end when she needed him.

I guess I spoke way too soon about Jerry and him changing this season with the beekeeping. Summer’s rant towards him was pretty savage. I genuinely felt bad for him. Yes, Jerry is a loser, but wow, that was messed up and unecessary.

It feels like these past couple episodes have become much more mean-spirited than usual. 

I know that Jerry being pathetic is a running joke throughout the show, but Summer’s line to him at the campfire went so far that it wasn’t even funny in a “ha ha ha, they’re being overly cruel to Jerry” kind of way. Sure, Morty lampshades it right afterwards, and the equilibrium is (sort of) restored at the end, but