
“He may’ve been yer father, boy, but he wasn’t yer daddy.”

What’s most important about that scene is that it’s actually a really great merging of style and theme. The gag is that the most unimportant action is being foregrounded, while what would usually be the big action climax is happening either offscreen or in the background. But then Gunn turns that right back around and

GOTG2 has the rare distinction of possessing both a mediocre ending and a great one. The big action climax ending is your classic shrug-inducing superhero movie fight, a couple of CGI beings weightlessly punching each other for what seems to be an eternity. You can see Gunn trying his damndest to turn it into

So your incredible hot take is that jobs are a mental illness?

It is much the same job as a radio moderator doing a daily show. He had a team backing him up, so he didn’t have to do all the technical and organisational stuff himself.

Have you ever sat down with a group of friends? Playing games together? Perhaps passing the controller around every now and then?

It’s not impossible to get a Switch in China, just go to HK or import. The only difference now is that there is a partner company distributing the Switch there so there is some level of support and officially being available making it easier to obtain. 

Well, 18% of all human beings live in China, compared to 4% in the USA. You could ignore the entire world, only pandering to China and become the richest company in the world. See: Tencent and Alibaba.

China: the market everyone wants to get in on no matter what.

I was hoping it would have been “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain...” since it’s a rare finale that shows the hero using his wits and ingenuity to defeat an opponent, rather than their power/strength/skill.

I once had a VHS that had 6 hours of Hot Lesbian Action. It took me three years and 2 VCRs to experience the full 360 minutes.

Honestly, that would make me hope that he could make more interesting movies that borrowed more from great dramas and romantic comedies. Instead, he just makes bland, by the numbers action movies, with the exception of First Class and Logan. Super hero movies need more people who are interested in taking these

The X-Men franchise was once the benchmark of what comic movies could be. Now it’s the example of what doesn’t work anymore. It’s kinda ironic that the mutants failed to evolve.

Or in the first trilogy either! This is twice they’ve tried to to this stupid story and failed to set it up in any meaningful way.

If you had told me when X-Men came out that there would come a time when I was so spoiled for riches of comic movies that I would not care when a movie about the Pheonix Saga was released. I wouldn’t have believed you

Agreed - they were still sort of the “kids” in the last movie, and only starting to step up as the primary X-Men.

I know this is the last Fox X-Men movie (New Mutants doesn’t count), but I feel Jean’s character wasn’t developed enough in the last movie to do the Dark Phoenix story line.

Oh wow. The Phoenix Force can break windows.