
It took three years and “Black Panther” for Michael B Jordan to wash the stench of “Fant4stic” from him.

Side note: the Project Pegasus facility that Fury and Danvers visit in Captain Marvel is the exact same one that is in the beginning of The Avengers. You can tell because of the tunnel they drive through that, later on, will collapse after Maria Hill chases Loki and the brainwashed agents.

Would you settle for pensive and a little sexy?

But that’s Pegasus

Exodus is probably a large scale space ship with his theory on how to go to warp.

Now playing

Important to note: after Howard spends time studying the Tesseract, he discovers a new element. However he is limited by the technology of his time and moves on to other projects, with his ideas and research, as well as the Tesseract itself, eventually getting revisited under Project PEGASUS.

For what it’s worth, Marvel has now fixed the error—which is to say, the deliberate decision that they made and then got yelled at for.

I think the most important thing is that millions of Internet nerds who have absolutely no information about what actually went on behind the scenes get a chance to express their exceedingly intense opinions about this.


Wait until he notices that they misspelledDon Cheadle

“which is to say, the deliberate decision that they made and then got yelled at for” 

It literally takes couple of minutes to move the layers around and add the new name. So they didn't need to have thst version ready until the question rose. 

I’m betting she’s only in it for one short scene. They filmed Avengers and Black Panther around the same time and definitely had no idea how popular the characters would be.

Not that many people know this show, as it’s not one of the most popular shows of its time, here in the West, but there’s something that’s absolutely awesome about the designs. The animals mixed with robotics, the feudal Japan era mixed with futuristic designs, really, it’s so good, it’s a bit of shame these designs

Ah, but that would be political, and we can’t have that in a game where government controlled sleeper agents arm themselves with advanced technology so that they can open fire on civilians without warning or due process of law.

Well, at least this case gives us...

Man’s Meatless Mexican Meal Mandates Maximum Malicious Mischief

Tomatoes roasted on the vine! well ain’t that fancy.

Over easy on top of a bowl of butter noodles dusted with some parmesan is heavenly!