
Disagree on the categorization of Pop-Tart (and also Uncrustables and other variants). Calzones, raviolis, dumplings, etc are one surface rolled onto itself. A Pop-Tart is two surfaces pressed together. I understand the argument that they are all enclosed in starch but it seems to me that a Pop-Tart is just a sandwich

ok, so maybe we should just start using “better names” for things (same as for animals, where a llama is “giraffe sheep” and skunk is “fart squirrel.”)

That he’s playing the who-cares Pemberton, instead of one of the Knight family of Starmen, smacks of character-rights issues.

the real reason is that there is absolutely no reason for aliens to invade earth. any kind of raw material including water is much more readily available on a deserted planet, they dont need slaves as they probably have robots, genetic material can be obtained by sampling... unless they view us as a potential future

I look forward to all the arguments about whether this is a valid political allegory for [fill in narrative of choice].

Because it was fine? 

Because Ready Player One is pretty entertaining?

The politics of a lot of movies are muddled enough to count as not really to my liking. But I don’t particularly care for the vigilante-lionizing, pick-yourself-up-by-your-personal-responsibility-bootstraps tone of EQUALIZER 2, but enjoyed it well enough as an old-man action movie. Similar thoughts about SICARIO 2,

WHOOOOAAAAA you went there!

Tell them to make sure they have strong reading comprehension because it will be helpful in all aspects of life.

Well, it’s not on our list of Top 20 Movies That You’d Be Shocked to Find Out AVC Critics Hated...

“Eddie Brock’s an angry vlogger who somehow managed to scam his way into a job as a paid journalist

Whoa whoa whoa, go outside before throwing those stones O:) 

Yeah, I’m not a HUGE fan of the whole RPO deal, but I mean, Steven Spielberg directed it, and you can definitely tell, which for me makes it by definition pretty far from a worst-of list. 

The impotent artsy rage in the comments trying to put RP1 on this list is like a warm bath.

We get it, you’re too cool for school. But if you think RP1 is even in the top 30 worst movies of the year, you need to pull your head out of your ass.

Haven’t seen any of these movies on the list so I can’t say for sure if Ready Player One is any better or worse but I’d say Ready Player One is, at the least, a watchable film. The eye candy (I’ve heard it’s a good 4k HDR movie) and the countless easter eggs and references are enough to keep a person’s attention for

By there being a lot of worse movies than Ready Player One, like a LOT.

They wrote that it botches the Scandinavian crime genre, not that it’s set in Scandinavia. Maybe read properly first before you accuse others of ineptitude?

There are some curious choices here.

It’s sweet that you think Ernest Cline is aware of stuff outside of the 1980s

What the WHAT, no mention of the SCP project and its spawn? SHAMEFUL!
I can't even pick out a horror to visit on you Vago, just spin the damn wheel:…
Unless of course you wanted to classify it separately as cooperative fiction, in which case, DON'T SPIN THAT WHEEL.