
Moira hasn’t experienced a future that didn’t result in humanity trying to wipe out mutantkind. She doesn’t believe that humans and mutants will be able to work together long-term because it’s never happened before. More than likely that it turns out working with humanity is the best solution and Moira and Xavier misse

That actually sounds like it might work out. Jenkins is a hell of a director, and the movie being something other than a remake gives it the chance to actually be unique and interesting. I'm cautiously optimistic.

It’s got a woman in it who serves a purpose beyond being a receptacle for the male lead’s DNA, that means it’s garbage and everyone involved was a virtue-signalling SJW feminazi who hates men.

So the Xbox is gonna be the RPG machine this generation, huh? Not a direction I had expected. I wonder if they might revive Blue Dragon and/or Lost Odyssey to fill out their JRPG lineup.

There are rumors that the Bradley's will appear in The Falcon and Winter Soldier.

All of these dishes sound like they were invented in a student film made up of half-assed homages to ‘70s sci-fi and David Lynch.

That animation was one of the time where I saw a character design and knew that the creators designed him knowing full well that people would get horny about him.

Apple could be argued to be a vertical monopoly, if you used a definition so loose that it no longer is a definition.

I think they shot parts of it in Russia, so actually quite a few.

And they didn’t want to do stupid things, I get it.

It’s only somewhat similar. Lonelygirl15 was about using the vlog format to build up an audience before pulling the rug out from under them as it turned into a conspiracy thriller. This doesn’t seem to have any kind of supernatural twist (yet), and is specifically about satirizing Instagram influencers.

The only justifiable reason to own The Art of the Deal is that you livetweeted reading it and forgot to donate it afterwards.

I think they were being sarcastic, given that their name is Sarcasm Disclaimer and they had the /s at the end. But who the fuck knows, someone definitely believes what they wrote wholeheartedly.

The PS4 Spider-Man game has been the only PlayStation exclusive Spidey game since the PS1. Activision actually had the license for Spider-Man games for most of the 21st century.

Chinese folk medicine has a lot of cases of people using weird stuff to fix medical problems. Like using dinosaur fossils as an aphrodisiac, or boiling eggs in children's urine as a cure-all.

And most people would assume a professional journalist (or editor, for that matter) would at least take two seconds to clarify that they’re getting information as basic as the author’s gender correct, especially if that information is key to the thesis of the article.

It’s a new conflict that’s easy to understand. You could just throw regular survivors with understandable motivations at each other constantly, but that runs the risk of the audience finding the antagonists more sympathetic and being unsatisfied if and when they lose. But cartoon villains? Yeah sure, kill ‘em, who

I recall a second season was in very early preproduction when the show was still supposed to premiere on TBS, but I haven't heard anything since. I wouldn't be surprised if there are scripts and storyboards for new episodes lying around on Warner Bros property somewhere, though nothing approaching any complete

I assume the benefit is having family members who aren’t racist and won’t start every conversation by demanding to know why you don’t have a girlfriend.

Altair from Assassin’s Creed had the same deal. I assume it had something to do with the titles, since both are references to stuff that Nintendo likely doesn’t want to be associated with.