
Zenyatta is Myeecheee, obviously.

90% of the time, fan-casting is just the sticking whichever actor you like into a role in a movie you’d like to see, and just assuming that’ll work out because the actor is talented and role is good.

I’ve seen it on and off for some time now. It works occasionally, depending on what kind of bacon you use. Personally, I say avoid the fattier cuts like the plague, they screw up the flavor and consistency of the entire pie.

I imagine it’s the monster equivalent of saying, “Mmm, this’ll look great on my Snapchat!”

They’ve been doing that for 27 years at this point. If they stopped now, it’d be really weird and lead to a lot of fans being konfused.

Cool. Nobody cares.

Man, imagine being Pete Davidson. Imagine waking up one day and discovering that, for literally no reason whatsoever, the entire Internet has collectively decided that your existence is an affront to nature. On top of the already immense pressures of being a successful comedian and having to deal with a particularly

i bet they manufacture a hyper-addictive narcotic that gives the user telepathy.

Probably because it was a pretty good movie.

Honestly, sounds like you dodged a bullet. Yeah, it certainly sucks you got rejected. But on the other hand, imagine being in a relationship with someone who’s that selfish.

It's already liquefied now. I guess we just have to find a big enough syringe.

That movie already exists.

I think at this point “thicc” is just a generic term for hot.

I think the problem with Widow in AoU was that Whedon was trying to use the whole sterilization thing as a symbol for the horrific training she had to undergo that turned her into a monster, and that was also probably the reason she had a romantic subplot with Banner (the two characters with monsters inside of them

So a chihuahua.

Also they kill upwards of 96% of animals placed in their care. Including pets they just straight-up kidnap off of people’s porches.

Yeah, I remember in fifth grade when I deliberately checked the price of candy to determine whether or not anything was up. Just like any 9-year-old would normally do.

I know you’re joking, but that would actually be super badass.

What you’ve said was absolutely incorrect in every conceivable way and I believe you should be submitted to a mental institution for even considering it, but I have to respect that you came out and said something you knew would be unpopular.