
Frankly, I think what you’re saying is small-minded. We already have (admittedly conceptual) methods of constructing faster-than-light travel, limitless energy generators, and instantaneous long-distance communication, and our most absolute bleeding-edge tech is scratching only the barest surface of what science can

God is dead and you have killed him.

However, stopping a good guy with a lightsaber only requires a bad guy with a stun baton, or a lot of bad guys with guns.

An earlier draft of the Revenge of the Sith script actually had the opera scen include Palpatine admitting that he manipulated the midichlorians to impregnate Shmi and conceive Anakin, meaning that Palpatine is technically Anakin’s father.

Following the House of M event, Scarlet Witch warped reality with the phrase “No more mutants.” As a result, the vast majority of mutants on Earth reverted to normal, powerless humans, with less than 200 left with their abilities intact. Though more mutants started popping up following Avengers Vs. X-men.

It really isn’t. It’s completely reasonable that someone would take the five minutes to look up a potential album title in case something’s wrong. It doesn’t matter how you rephrase it to make it sound unreasonable.

The horror thing is obviously just the inherent humor in it: the idea that a terrifying monster is actually a paragon of the LGBTQ+ community is funny on the face of it, and Pennywise’s involvement is obviously just an extension of the joke. The fact that they both have fixations on harming children is likely just