too bad they weren’t released from prison in the direction of a firing squad.
too bad they weren’t released from prison in the direction of a firing squad.
it doesn’t get any better after that.
the six people who ate them didn’t either
I said in 2020;
god i hope they learned some tricks to keep things working because otherwise this game is gonna run like 10fps at best on a switch.
set fire to texas and walk away.
here’s an idea.
unless you’re black.
look, as much ‘fun’ as there is to be had putting the screws to desantis for being a schmuck, i’d much rather we come together and set him on fire.
hard disagree, it always tastes like dryer sheets to me.
i mean it was either going to be that or drunken rednecks murdering people with a fucking insurrection.
I want this goddamn bastard’s head.
They need to get his phone away from him god damn it
i’m in a blue state and.... yep, i’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
every time i think of this bitch i just imagine she smells like a flaming bag of shit.
to be fair it was always riot juice, even before sunny.
here’s a thought. blow up mar-a-lago. fuck it, smoking crater time.
Gotta keep beating that dead horse
Can we go ahead and just ban republicans from businesses and homes?
Even for a jackass who calls himself rock hard. Fuck right off you tiny shrimp dick. Like... I get it. You've been angling to fuck me in your own special way, but holy Christ man, I need more than 5 centimeters