Jewel and the ceaseless rage


The thing is, conservatives repeatedly claim that they are all for parental rights, which is why the anti-vaccine movement has taken off with conservatives, and why they are for conversion therapy, charter schools, homeschooling, etc. Yet this goes directly against parental rights. I pointed this out to a conservative

It’s not, which makes me wonder how long this game has been gathering dust waiting to be announced. 

The neighs have it…

Jez has been on a real kick with their long form stuff. More of this, less Bennifer speculation.

How do I turn off Transphobia? 

agree 100%

The logic, as I understand it, is something like this: these dingbats think that because they are in the majority (which they aren’t), they have power and should be catered to (they shouldn’t), and that the only thing keeping them from being as powerful as they want is “wokeness,” i.e., anything that threatens their

Probably the same people who use Aloy as an example of “intentionally ugly women in western games.

We probably have very different definitions of Beautiful

Anyone who thinks they should use apostrophes to make plurals, should be fried. Or boiled.

Maybe I’m a bad person but if you told me that if I turned an app on my phone I could steal a car or rob a bank and I wouldn’t get caught and no one got hurt. I’d totally do it.

Damn a nickel. My local evil mega corp charges fifty cents a mother rape and makes you pay extra for an organ theft.

Pirating makes you worse than someone who gives more money than I make in a year to stopping a marginalized group of people have equal rights? You're a god damned monster.

HAHAHA holy shit. Where exactly are they supposed to post from? Do you think that they’re going to manufacture a new phone? Or perhaps they shouldn’t even own one.

YOU ARE TALKING TO A TRANS PERSON. Really not sure how you’ve missed that in this thread so far. Something tells me this trans person isn’t advocating for transphobia. That something is called reading comprehension.

Are you fucking joking? Saying that people should pirate the work of a transphobic bigot with a massive platform is the same as being a transphobic bigot with a massive platform? That’s such unbelievable false equivocation, did you feel lightheaded after those mental gymnastics?

“I never said or meant this: “I must obey all property laws no matter the human consequences”.”

Also, aggressively arguing without engaging in a dialogue is unlikely to convince people of your arguments”

I’d also disagree that she is going out of her way to make the lives of a minority worse on purpose for the sake of it.”