🤣 a pimp hand oh my god you're so lame
🤣 a pimp hand oh my god you're so lame
Why are you always creeping on me you sad weirdo? Fuck right off
I really hope someone sets tucker’s hair on fire.
Gotta love how we’ve been boiled down to just being a resource. Fuck capitalism.
Oh my god fuck this bad faith argument
So the headline here is
non-male-friendly? What does that mean?
I just need the gamers to shut their goddamn fucking mouths about her.
They’re uh
This is truly a doomed timeline
See, here’s the problem with your thinking though
I really wanna believe that this is a joke
boy, that’s the gif that never gets old isn’t it, you dumb fucking schmuck.
that is a clunky as fuck name for a thing
can’t wait for the sons of bitches in the greys to clutch their pearls about this.
Boy franchisees are going to be pissed with this giant new expense on profits that were razor thin to begin with.
Guessing he knows what a shit director he's been for 20 years so he needs some fox news moneyÂ
The fucking guy was an adult man running a pokemon discord of course he's a fucking creep
if that son of a bitch wins I’m running over his ass with a goddamn wheat thresher.Â