Jets vs Steelers

When I rule the world all songs that have been used for commercial purposes will have to be re-titled after their commercial entity. So if she were to play the song in concert, she would have to introduce it as “Football Night in America.” I just want a world where instead of people trying to remember where they

I’ve been using “clap’s back” for years.

Zydeco Gumbo:
*reads Deadspin*

Exactly. I’m not worried, though. I’m certain that Ashley Feinberg will clear this up for us in a follow up post. She really is great here at Deadspin.

Look, I don’t care how rich you are, you shouldn’t be allowed to tell a plastic surgeon to “make me look like the Black Hole Sun video.”

I assume Nicki used #ArnoldPalmer because this story is only half tea.

It was into the third quarter by the time we got to the logistics of actually even getting the X-rays, and then they were less than readable.” The reason? “It was probably a dated piece of equipment, or what have you,” Tomlin said.

Surprised Ben didn’t just go in anyway. He seems the type of guy to do that.

Yes, Chris. We all know that guy. But looking objectively, the guy is a marginal NFL quarterback under the best circumstances. Yeah, sure, he had some success and even pulled off some heroics in the playoffs, when it counts the most. But he comes with so much baggage - the kneeling, the outsized media attention, the

Steelers Fan Eats A Headbutt 

Please add anything HGTV to the gym question. That is all I ever see on at my gym.  Nothing like getting pumped to house shopping!

Don’t be so sure about that. I was in a hipster coffee shop earlier today and I heard some Democrats whispering about how Gruden could make run at this award. Don’t count out Gruden just because you think Gruden has it locked up.

Attacking a bus to own the lib(ertadores).

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Coronas? They shoulda been drinking Rolling Rocks, eh

She has ideas for new uniforms...

With his BMI and your standard Wisconsin diet of cheese, sausage and beer? Medically speaking he’s probably a ticking ti-

So, as an experienced parent, what are the best children’s’ activities to re-live as an adult, that take you right back to being a kid again?

This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”

He went on to say that it was “like the L.A. Lakers down there.”