
Nice shot, man 

Once kavanagh is in they’ll really have no use for trump, they’d in fact get more done with pence, so they’ll let the dems take any political flak for removing trump and regroup from there 

Oh crap... I think we’ve found the one question whose answer is not Miata!

any truck that has ever been associated with this lot.

Been doing it wrong for decades, not much to hang your hat on.

Please give me an example in history when simply ignoring violent racists worked. 

You can’t un-ring that bell. They have legitimacy. The only way to take that away from them at this point is to shine a bright enough light on them that all the reasons they shouldn’t be legitimate become inescapable. You do that by asking them questions and then pointing out to their faces out the reasons that their

Back in the days when Trump could still convince reputable people to work for him, one law firm insisted on having two lawyers with him at all times. Because they needed a witness to what he’d said when he later tried to lie to his lawyers about what he’d said to them. Not criminal stuff, just contracts etc. that rich

Maaaan it takes A LOT to be the worst Texas Governor is recent memory, but damn if Greg Abbott is gonna let that chair stop him from being it!!!!!

Greg Abbot, you gotta stick with the classics

Or we could adjust the contributions made by high-income people.

One thing that I love about this country is our ability to “borrow” from the future, and then be absolutely SHOCKED when we, then, have to deal with the repercussions of having done this. See the Trump tax cuts. At some point, all those taxes that we won’t be paying from 2018 to whenever Trump’s tax cut is done, are

The truth behind this statement is painful beyond measure. 


You left out “to the nightie section of the 1973 JC Penny catalog.”

He’s eating a bowl of unflavoured oatmeal with nothing on it.  Anything more would be the work of the Devil.

These are the same assholes who showed up in Ferguson with assault rifles to intimidate protesters. Their only loyalty is to their white-supremacist ideology. 

Anti-government militia the Oath Keepers have promised to protest outside of California Rep. Maxine Waters’ offices.

Doubtful. They can’t point out any other country we’ve bombed.

Allison or Larsen?