
A frayed knot.

I’m hoping Stephen Miller is the final victim; they always save the virgin for last!

The senior official is military. His support for McCain is the clue. Judging by the ego, and I don’t think there are any female military members in his senior administration, it’s a male. So who all do we have?

not kosher

To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi - It’s as if thousands of teenaged boys cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Oh, those poor firefighters. But at least when the tires went up, they would have freshened the air a bit.

Their religion is meaningless without enemies.

You’re talking as if Evangelicals have more than a passing familiarity with the contents of the Bible. The Bible is for beating others into submission with, not for readin’.

If you ran for office because God told you to, that’s God telling the rest of us not to vote for you. 

“Way too old for me.”

Oh yeah, that’s right.

He left America the same way he left his family and nurses: having to clean up after his shit.  

He was a terrible soldier, who was incredibly brave.

He earned his Purple Heart a hundred times over. A soldier worthy of respect and admiration.

That moment is going to get blasted around a lot today. But here is the thing to remember. Trump shit all over him for being a POW, then McCain voted in line with what Trump wanted 80% of the time. I get the idea that 80% is better than 100% but it’s still shitty and spineless.

It’s sad just how far the bar has moved.

My question:  Why would anyone worry about Jennifer Garner getting a karmic bounty?  She has money, fame, and family, and she seems to be enjoying her life even with the bumps along the way.  Her cup seems to be running over already!

I grew up in that white/blonde/blue eyed suburban America—and then I got the fuck out because it was boring as shit. 

so he tried to say the next-closest thing, marinate, which he somehow forgot and settled on “gestate”