Trump will NOT make it four years and I’ll put up my left nut or how about my Land Cruiser and my left nut — that’s how sure I am.
Trump will NOT make it four years and I’ll put up my left nut or how about my Land Cruiser and my left nut — that’s how sure I am.
one person falling overboard — maybe. The whole family falling overboard — that would be a stretch to explain.
Jesus wept? What the FUCK? How about instead of crying he step in with some voodoo and save Mom and the kiddies’ innocent souls? If this deity is truly a saviour then why the fuck didn’t he do some saving?
Jesus wept? Nope — Tuesday is league night so pretty sure he was bowling.
Title fight: Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III vs. Luther Strange III “The South Loses Again”
you do know Clinton isn’t President, right? It is so gonna chap your huge ASS that Clintons are gonna be laughing long into their golden retirement while your man-boy and his whole crooked family are gonna crash in their self-made blazing inferno shitpile.
Hey ShitHill, the narrative will shift because so much will be revealed. News reports what is “new” and finding evidence of crimes committed by a sitting President will lead. If you think its all so unfair for your favorite cheetoh taint wart then learn a bit of history and read up on the shit Ken Starr pulled. Or…
ALL CAPS next time
cut the financials attack off at the knees and release taxes for last 10-20 yrs. surely you must agree best way to fight lies is with truth and facts. But I imagine you disagree. Pretty damn sure your “smartest guy” outsider has fucked himself bigly.
how many ears of corn in a niblet?
Could ALL Trumps disappear? (one can dream)
certainly seems so. Clearly not the actions of the innocent.
Collusion. Obstruction. Money laundering. Willful disregard for federal instituted sanctions. Crimes. High crimes. High crimes and felonies.
Such valid questions when a person is innocent and this is all the greatest witch hunt — amirite?
Fuckin major PTSD/nightmare inducing wreck. Imagine you’re in that Camry and you get rear-ended. Before air bag deploys and you even realize what happened your lap and whole front seat is filled with a mass of slimy mucus-slathered foot longs. Oh My Fucking God! That is a living nightmare that you would never wake…
the Trump dicks do seem to preferred a certain sisterly look in their women
Transparent would be showing tax returns, opening the company books for independent audits, having complete & open dealings with charity contributions and the pass thru. Anything with Trump on its ass is 180-degree opposite of transparent.
but seriously fuck the White House and their dumbfuck curtailments of media. I want every goddamn media outlet with press creds to show up, set up, and stand their ground to get it all on cams. Let WH kick them all out and get NOTHING but neg press. But it will never happen because they want to suck up to get…
pretty sure Putin doesn’t golf. Pretty sure Putin just sat with hismshit-eating grin letting the Donald drone on & on. Donald likely threw anything & everything on the table to get Putin to like him. Pretty sure the Donald knows Putin & his oligarch buddies have kept him afloat and he’s been a useful means to launder…
You mean Trump told Putin he’s got the bestest security of the cyber (something else for Kushner) so there’s no way any friend of Czar Putey pulled a fast one. Not sure Putin suffers fools so howthe fuck did he sit and listen to Trump talk for hours?