Hey, ain’t that Little Marco right behind Veep Penis? Betcha Marco also got a good rub in after he saw PencilDick do it.
Hey, ain’t that Little Marco right behind Veep Penis? Betcha Marco also got a good rub in after he saw PencilDick do it.
if this world made any sense Huckleberry-Sanders would be managing a Cracker Barrel or at the return counter for a WalMart. She should NOT be at the White House speaking on behalf of anyone. somehow she’s there as Trump’s payback to her hillbilly daddy but the bar for abilities and basic logical communications, from a…
Goldwater rule specific to a campaign, not once the person is a sitting President.
how long must we wait for such a blessed event?
Dunno. Also ask who wouldn’t want a 3rd nipple? Now realize it’s worth squat as it serves no purpose other than something to be embarrassed about and you’d live your life wanting to get rid of it. So Geo Storm = 3rd nipple.
What the deal? Did she follow you and your mate halfway across the country and made sure to move in just miles from your new life? Did she make that new life a fresh bit of hell with her obtrusive demanding omni-presence all while complaining about her self-imposed situation. Then next step did she force a change in…
Disagree. Married at 35 after 8 yrs no drama dating to what I though got was best friend & lover. Throw in two young sons, a move across country, and some job changes all by 2016 makes for pretty good life but NOT. 2016 (after 24 yrs together) she dumps and tells ya it’s all been writing my from the get-go. Almost…
Guarantee me he’ll lose everything. Reality is he’ll get out of over half the charges and not pay full restitution.
Yep, USSR lost 13%+ of their population vs US with < .5% loss of the ttl population — pretty damn sure priorities were a bit different post-WWII.
a pneumatic tit-a-tete?
imbecile, eet eez a “Steak au fromage”
for shits and giggles I hope everyone makes fun of my death. I hope my demise brings merriment and mirth and has folks laughing through their tears. I hope they have joy buzzers, red noses, and fart cushions at my wake.
When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sits out too long
You must whip it
When something’s going wrong
You must whip it
right. A human died as a result of a bizarre accident. Thousands die each and every day. It’s what we do — the circle of life, the great folly, the single universal of all living things. Death knocks, we mock ... deal w/ it.
truth is it was all shaving cream — not as tasty
What. What? Favorite best all time Drunk History is Octavia’s Harriet Tubman!
But it’s the lip-pierced girl you’ll remember your whole life rather than the wholesome Wonder bread bible school gal you married.
Fuxsake — you’re about as aware as ZsaZsa on her deathbed. Buy a clue.
sad thing is Beauregard thinks God is on his side so that justifies everything he does. Sanctimonious hypocrites one & all.
not footage, this happening IRL