
Freedom fries! Frredom toats!! The GOP fuckhead Ohio rep (and felon) Bob Ney got his panties all wadded because France opposed invading Iraq. Rep. Ney (felon) decided France was too soft and showing us some disrespect so he’d show them and had his Congressional committee force the Congressional cafe menus to change.

thanks for poiting out the idiocy of the dunces. Suck it Drakkon

Professional? Like you’re paid and have sponsors? Sponsor patches sewn inside your suit or where? You came up thru amateur ranks, paid you dues and learned all the tricks from pallbearing (?) beside some vets? Do you improve your standings with hole-in-ones or stylish slam dunks? I gotta know ...

Trumps 1st trip abroad has been the pure embodiment of the Ugly American. The whole entourage are fuck ups with the Trump topping the heap.

I so want at least one of these NATO folks to put this fuck in his place. The optics and the motivation behind that shove and then the puffing out his chickenshit chest like he’s the biggest cock in the barnyard. Godamn I want this ASShole taken down by his own hubris, greed and idiocy.

looks nothing like my mechanic

Jetro say “Sha-Zam!”

Bernie brought more people to HRC tgan she would’ve on her own. Bernie brought true Progressive values into the debates, the discussion, and the election. Without Bernie it would’ve been HRC tacking a helluva lot more righ. Betnie owes DNC nothing — maybe a lawsuit but def not a thank you.

fuck the half tuck, more concerned about the lack of laundering. Seriously, that T is gonna reek and wtf with the gravy, grave dirt, and blood camo. WTF — Heroes and hygiene aren’t compatible?

Fuck that — follow Ravanch’s advice and don’t give into the man! And remember the court doesn’t take personal checks ...

hmmm, that sounds either European or Idiotic ... and pretty sure the latter.

Rebel with Barely a Clue

can someone explain the stupidity of an untucked dress shirt worn under a sweater — seriously what the fuck is up? A sweater normally has an elasticized hem that will pull up to sit above the waist, especially when given a surface like a shirt to move against. So for the sake of looking like you don’t give a fuck you

Repugs are getting everything they want. And voters distracted to the point of ignoring the Repugs looting the land. Trump wanting to make friends will do their bidding with Exec Orders (same kind of EOs that made GOP apopletic w/ rage under Obama). Coal/oil/gas love regs rolled back, Wall St & banks love death of

add “Santorum” to your post to make it more visual

Dunno but I think Jared would love to see Christie somehow more abused and humiliated. Wonder if he’d accept Christie knowing that Gov Sta-Puft now tasked to save Trump’s & his family’s asses at any cost. That would be pretty sweet revenge.

Comey starts talking would end any investigations. You need plenty more than just Comey to spill. At this point not sure who would/could be Deep Throat (if Nixon too far back then X-File fans might remember same kinda guy).

sadly you are correct

Nope, Russia doesn’t die. Moderate Repugs (with Gentlemen Lindsey) are starting to smell a hint of blood in the water.

Worse is that Donald will get us into a shooting war to distract. Worse is that economy will drop, interest rates shoot up, money & jobs restrict, and all gecause the orange fucker knows that whats in his taxes are multiple smoking guns. Fuxsake, he preached to the NRA last week rallying the gun nutz to take up arms