Who’s gonna stay up with the Donald tonight to keep the paranoia at bay and his tiny hands off Twitter? Betcha Ivanka ain’t getting to sleep.
Who’s gonna stay up with the Donald tonight to keep the paranoia at bay and his tiny hands off Twitter? Betcha Ivanka ain’t getting to sleep.
I’m thinking Christie
think Sta-Puft Christie is shining up his shoes for the interview?
He did NOT have to inform Congress on an active investigation. Protocol is that the FBI not play politics. Comey did and he shoul’ve paid for it 6 mos ago, not now. Multiple investigations underway and both House & Senate fired up so smells like something dank & dark was going to break. Beauregard “KKK” Sessions…
Yep. Donald should’ve been smart enough to do it then but waiting until now reeks of cover up.
Burger boy Christie will get the nod. He’s Donald’s (mcDonalds) bag man and been waiting in the wings to play a role.
Some of those salsmen were like best friends. They cared about my kids, shared my hobbies, told funny jokes, and helped me realize what I really wanted. Sadly those dudes never write or call any more ... guess I shoulda been a better friend. Wonder whatever happened to dealin’ Dave — Dan — Dick. Yeah, It was…
The movie structured beautifully — starting w/ Byrne entering an empty stage w/ guitar and boom box. It builds and builds as doesthe mania, the activity, the beat. Welcome breaks with slower pacing timed perfectly in movie. It is the best musical performance concert film in my time.
that is like a still life of manifest depression. Fuxsake, its even raining in that grey dull picture.
fuck, that had to be the longest most depressing weekend of your life
We on the left have much greater problems with HRC being beholden to Wall St than her ever taking counsel with Kissinger. Every goddamn Pres since Carter gave Kissinger a listen when he spoke so HRC was just showing military-industrial folks she would play same game. HRC pal-hugging Kissinger didn’t lose it for her.
That’s her wink-wink to military/industrial rulers. Kissinger can open all the doors and knows where the bones are buried (hell, he’s responsible for half the graves himself).
Parables BS fer sure! That tortoise & hare race is pure BS. Ain’t either one of ‘em give a damn about running wnd that hare just wanna eat, or fornicate, or both at same time.
I really have no praise for Kissinger but they dude dealt with a helluva fucked up admin and got some stuff done but made a lot of stuff worse. Balnace sheet includes him keeping a staggering drunk Nixon from launching missles and starting fights more than once (look it up). He also helped open relations with China…
Rats? You mean Trump friends and donors??
are we gonna get some pics of derp shitstick Jr. gleefully showing-off some tiny prairie dog tails and a bloody knife? Is he gonna add them to his wall of taxidermied tiny animals he can kill?
You know the derpstick yelling at her was the one that came up w/ the idea. So much play in front end of this shit car and the whole car-ramp-truck so sketch & out of align that Wile E.’s plan never had a chance.
seriously? Craptastic engineering there Lou ...
yep, they been blowin’ smoke up yer butt for decades. Always did & still do.