
That would be zero. They’ll somehow come out of this even more convinced that Jesus wants us all to have assault weapons.

There was a what now

From teen shower sex scenes to Jesus. The CW is the American social fabric in TV form.

I think I’ve seen those. I find all of this disturbing. CW isn’t the only one pivoting to Jesus. I see more “prayer hands” emoji than anything else on facebook these days and I’m wondering how the whole country is turning into Tennessee (highest percent of evangelicals).

I largely watched it because I love McShane. I didn’t regret it. Great show. 

“The biggest IP of all time,” god that’s depressing.

Another classic Oliver twist.

Big SPOILER : He lives again like Jon Snow, Superman, Neo there any other movie spoiler teritory that I miss? Oh and his follower commit genocide.


Meh. It’s a decent show but season 3 really jumped the shark when they added a new disciple, Jesus’ cousin Oliver.

NBC really botched the hell out of the promotion for that one, which is especially sad because it felt like they were trying to do an HBO-style show that would still clear FCC-style rules and regulations. I think AV Clubbers where the only ones who watched it all the way through.

There was a short-lived show called “Kings” that was the story of David in an alt-history present. Ian McShane was the King Saul. Sebastian Stan was the Jonathan. Goliath was a literal tank.

They’ll probably kill this show too. It'll be back a couple days later.

Even in my younger days when I was actively religious I never understood the appeal of the story of Jesus as a story. Who is interested in watching a perfect person go around being perfect with everyone? Sounds dull as hell no matter how well made.

Lol, nah.

Ah yes, Keven Fiege, Kevin Feige’s non-union equivalent.

Shiv can emotionally abuse Tom relentlessly for years but a simple earlobe flick (also provoked by Shiv) is where you draw the line? You lot are so unserious.

Alvarez’s version is more gruesome in the mutilations and punishment meted out to the characters. It’s NOT “torture porn” but there is definitely an abundance of moments of on-screen body trauma that make me squirm in a way that really only the pencil to the ankle does in the original. I still prefer the original to

I don’t agree BUUUT! I think it’s incredibly good. It’s a very different beast. It certainly was better than this review mentions off-hand.

I’m one of those weirdos who thinks the 2013 remake is better than the original.