
No, you see you’ve misunderstood. You don’t go to the theatre to see the show. You go to the theatre to say you’ve seen the show.

No discussion of “shittily-and-lazily-named-alien-creature-characters-with three-eyes” can exclude “Ree-Yees”.

Hope this guy has an ominous AirBNB to check up on

I believe the people making Prey (2022) used the graphics engine from Prey (2006) to animate the bear in their movie. 

As Out Run proved.

Absolutely. Let us not forget the W years just because the administration operated with a shroud of public decency and were a bit less blase’.

The real family business is sociopathy.

That’s life inside the bubble. See also: George W. Bush.

I’m definitely not one to have sympathy for any of Trump’s family who was “unwittingly” put in this situation or whatever, but it still brings me a small piece of comfort to know how deeply dysfunctional and unhappy that family must be under their father.

We live in an incredibly sexist society where “you throw like a girl” or “pussy” and many feminine-specific slurs deliberately refer to meanings of weakness, inability, less-than.

I know, I know, it’s beyond comprehension. He was on the news today stating that his ‘womp womp’ was directed at Democrats, not the 10 year old child with Down Syndrome. Honestly, these people need to face consequences in person. In real life. In the places where they live. Their safe bubbles need to be overrun. The

For the millionth time, in regards to every Trump and every member of Trump’s administration:

he doesn’t have control of his abductors, also known as your groin muscles.

Just my opinion but I think Rogue one is one of the worst movies. I could literally give a rats ass about any of the characters, to me that was the last straw and where I fell off.

“How does him being older present some ‘power dynamic’ imbalance when she’s of legal age?”

The Falcon’s Navicomputer recommended Bespin in Empire.... did she just want to go back to Lando?

Im ok with it. Stop racism & racist and we dont need to have a conversation.

It’s maybe not “okay” - it’s just desserts. If it bothers you, you’re exactly who it’s meant for.

You sure are. I got three BINGO squares just from your single comment there.