Wierdly, it's not being shipped the united states so you might reasonably conclude that they understand the market they're selling it into just fine. They don't appear to have trouble selling all the one's they planned to make, so I'm not really seeing the problem.
Indeed. The want is strong with this one.
Hahaha I love this.
There looks to be a fence post between it and the car on its left.
I was going to post that one. It's a lovely car.
i saw a nissan sentra the other day with LED taillights. i think this has been officially played out.
I'm a bit disenchanted by this main photo. Obviously the guy has made a few right decisions in life to be in a position to purchase and own that Pagani...HOWEVER...I expected him to be a real bad ass looking dude...maybe holding a snake, or a blonde stripper...not some gent in khakis and a knit shirt.
More than likely, if we don't put a collar on it somehow.
Glass-to-glass canopy was already in production on the Subaru XT.
To be fair, Torch doesn't know the SVX.
This is dumb. I'm an industrial designer, and I owned an SVX for 7.5 years. I also own the road and track "special" book that highlights the development of the SVX, and no, the design was not stolen. First off, if whatever the hell that other POS is didn't have a split window, I doubt you'd even make the…
It's vaguely similar, but without the window treatment nobody would ever confuse the two.
Kudos to Subaru for seeing a good design, tweaking it a bit, and actually making it. Maybe if manufacturers would put their concept cars into production instead of just teasing us all the time the world would be a better place.