Jesus Presley

Any article about Tesla is going to be a hit piece because they’re piles of garbage.

Florida is largely considered the worst state in the union... Full Stop. Confirmed (again). 

Republican performative stupidy.

DeSantis is a hateful sack of shit, but he is also doing this to keep his MAGA profile in top form. He knows Trump will die or go to prison someday relatively soon. In fact I think he has to keep doing things like this because he needs the cruelty points to make up for his utter lack of a personality. 

Oh, is it, now?

Maybe you should read the linked article (not just the title) before stating that someone is misquoting it. Literally the third sentence:

*citation needed*

Man this dude has a very punch-able face.

That’s cool, I hope they actually found it.  Would be nice to see a long-term mystery finally be solved.  

I think most of Britain is sick of her.

I liked Top Gear but I never even think about it anymore. It heavily influenced the current generation of car reviewers on YouTube and they do work that’s just about as good without being absolute Clarksonian pieces of shit. 

He’s been living off being rude like a harmless 80 year old for years. Sadly he was in his forties and fifties and should have known better.

Hot take, but I didn’t even care for the later seasons for TG past 14. In around seasons 7-12 was the golden era. The test were actually informative and fun, not just old guys falling over and doing silly stuff. And the Grand Tour was not my cup of tea.

Speak for yourself. I find him to be a loveable old rude bastard, and I would miss his ridiculousness very much. The world needs clowns, and he doesn’t take himself as seriously as you think he does.

Clarkson has been a 70 year old man for the last 25 years.

Clarkson has aged worse than anyone I can think of, My dad is 84 and looks younger and is in better shape than him. Also, all that money and you can’t afford a dentist? He looks like his breath would be horrendous.

Smoking and drinking will do that to you.

Holy crap. I thought he was around 72! But 63, oof.

Clarkson looks about a decade older than he actually is. Not a graceful 63 years. Also, a lot of his humor and opinions have not aged well on top of that.

He’s become a nasty old man who can’t do much but complain about everything. He should have hung up a long time ago. Even Hamster’s youtube videos are awful now. Getting old sucks, but none of us are getting any younger.