Jesus Presley

Ah, Dubai.  Lived there for a year.  It’s the place where Westerners who think they’re the rich who need to be taxed discover that they are laughably poor, but still keep voting against taxes for the rich...

Investors believe that they did.  If you disagree, you should short the stock.  Good luck!

Just for some perspective,... $56,000,000,000 distributed among the 14,000 people they just shitcanned would be $4,000,000.00 a person.

Elon is just proving to everyone that CEO’s are absolutely not worth what we have to pay for them. Why should he absorb all the money that the laid off employees would have made in their whole careers? Does he do the work of 15,000 people? Shit, does he do the work of 5 people? No. 

I know I sound like an old man when I say shit like this, but cars these days are too damn powerful. 700 HP is not necessary for personal vehicles. 

The thing that gets me is the hypocrisy! Make up your mind! You’re mad when they break and you’re mad when they don’t brake!

Wow..this thing is such a dangerous pos. If we had any functioning regulatory agency with teeth Elon and other execs would be facing serious criminal and not just (possible) civil penalties.

But the acorn cops just walk away?

maga christofascists will be doing the same thing this November and next january.

I always say Santa Clause for adults.

Oh, great, another religious idiot who thinks natural things are “signs” from their “god”.

This doesn’t surprise me that this happened in florida and the woman was a religious woman from georgia. Ran into one these last week at a gas station that decided to start screaming, flicking us off, started going all bible bashing going to hell sort of crap over a parking spot that my wife pointed to and she waved

Religion is the worst mental illness facing humanity.

The $25,000 Tesla has been on the market for a while now.

Yet many will vote for one. 

While I dislike elon, pretending that the drop is purely due to his personality is a fallacy. All EVs are depreciating like rocks and being marked down or given favorable financing across the board. 

This is what happens when you turn your business into some weirdo’s own personal cult of personality, and then the curtain slips.

Inventory is at record levels because people don’t want to buy a badly made car from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

Couldn’t agree with you more on the acceleration. I’m terrified of every soccer mom driving an SUV / CUV that can do 0-60 in 4 seconds while she’s facing the rear seat screaming at Grayson, Jayden, Kayden, and Fayden. We really need to return to a time when purpose built sports cars were the only terrifyingly fast

TheOGturn here, crazy to see my channel mentioned on a site i go to nearly day!!! For those wondering