Jesus Presley

Makes you wonder why it hasn’t happened yet

Green screen body paint is next

I almost got hit by a diplomatic vehicle during UN Week in New York. I had the light (full “white man walking,” not the flashing hand with countdown) and this fucker either accidentally takes his foot off the brake or intentionally starts to roll forward. I realized that if anything happened to me he would get off

nah it’s fine, contain that shit in one country, we don’t need it spreading to the rest of the world.

Seriously? They thought this might have been legit?

She’s obviously mentally ill.

Except thats not true at all.

The people who’ve bought CyberTrucks are idiots, and if you tell an idiot that something’s bulletproof, they’re going to try shooting at it, because they’re fucking idiots.

>builds vehicle that appeals solely to attention-starved narcissists

Unfortunately, for one of our name-changing conservo-trolls, he’s already got petabytes of excrement porn stashed away, so losing access to these sites won’t stop him from exposing our comment threads to his collection.

Conservative politicians and their cult: “Restricting access to the internet is for the safety of children!”

70% of web users don’t use a VPN, so that’s still an enormous reduction in site traffic for porn sites. Still a victory for conservatives.

But how will Ken watch his favorite step-brother on step-brother action?

It’s a good thing that politicians are still too stupid to know what a VPN is.

just publish all of texas representatives search history. i already use their names when i go to distilleries to get around the 2 bottle a month law. they have raised it to 4 recently. 

More like the thousands of other porn websites on the internet. It’s like people vote in those laws thinking that pornhub is the only place on earth that offers nudity on the internet. Republican porn laws make as much sense as democrat gun laws.

This was the ultimate goal of the porn addiction rhetoric. Convince people they have a problem, tell those people you want to fix their problem, and they will let you do whatever you want.

Ha! Its probably harder now to access these sites than get a gun in Texas.. priorities..

Hopefully, there are some other places to find porn on the internet.