Jesus Presley

Weird, I’m already very comfortable not owning any of their games, because they’re not worth it in anyway.

seriously what a weird complaint

What a dull anecdote

I’m with ya that it’s a starkly different childhood nowadays than I had, (which sounds very similar to yours,) but the reality there is that it has literally zero to do with video games. They’ve existed since I was about 3, and they’ve been pretty damn important to me the whole time. What’s changed is just communicatio

The sticks are actually in the “right” spot, so that’s already an upgrade from most Playstation controllers.

unfortunately, Kotaku, this is more complicated that “dudes got mad...”

The irony is that customers like you are the only reason the problem exist in the first place. You complain but you still went above and beyond to give absolutely every single one of them your money. Why on earth will the corporations bother to make the service better if they still got your money? Killing the

So my data is being harvested and it won’t even subsidize my meal? I wish I could just commit which places do this, but I’ve been to the same locations repeatedly and found different results each time depending on the method. Nothing is uniform. It’s chaos. All for something I shouldn’t (and have mostly stopped now)

OnlyFans. It wasn’t created specifically as a place for “content creators” to sell nude photos/videos.”

I’m a firm believer it’s time to put the fear of god in billionaires and ruin them. None of them got there with out the folks beneath them, and billionaires deserve to be fleeced into nothingness.

OK, but honest question: what is OnlyFans without the adult content? Cameo? I honestly don’t get the business model for anyone there who isn’t doing some kind of porn. Even the name of the site suggests a secretive parasocial relationship.

If only there was a case study to show Twitch what happens once you allow adult content on a platform.

I mean, if you want to look at tits there are sites specifically for that

Massive user-base.

Exactly. It’s as if half of the editorial writers at Jalopnik wandered over from Jezebel.

This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on Jalopnik all year (and that’s saying a lot). The “extremely lopsided on paper” comment completely OMITS what was admitted in the very first paragraph: the Cybertruck is towing a copy of the car it’s racing!

Ostensibly capable vehicle that comes stock with wheels/tires that can struggle with potholes. Pair that with completely unprepared drivers.

How? Drugs, mmkay?

Idiots forgetting that tires spec is an important part of off road capability.

Right.  I watched that TikTok video and thought, “Shit, my kinda road.”