Jesus Presley

I honestly don’t think this country is going to make it...

Someone call Matt!

I agree. How dare a below average looking girl get attention! Only women who meet or exceed your personal beauty standards should allowed to be successful.

Yes it is you.

The entire subculture of streaming is hot garbage.

I can’t help but feel this is the dumbest story I’ve read about all week.

Bulletin Board System, back when getting online meant using a modem and tying up your landline. MUD is a multi-user dungeon, or a text-based role-playing game that could be played on some BBSs. MUSH and MUCK were variations on that, and some of the packages allowed for editing content and expanding the world however

Aw man, what a bittersweet final post from Jezebel...

Wolves, bears, coyotes, and mountain lions aren’t going to waste their time chasing deer when all of these delicious garbage cans and small pets are around.

Couldn’t you have used a picture of a real NES for the lede image for an article about the importance of the original NES?

Or simply crash and die ragdoll-style-in-a-box because they wanted this car over one with crumple zones

I can’t wait for people to die testing how bulletproof their new ego-soothers really are.  You know someone’s gonna film it.

To be fair to Elon - Statistically speaking, most subsonic projectiles in the world are rocks chucked by children. I’m pretty sure his CyberBoondoggle is fully capable of withstanding those.

Thats why the Bolt is intriguing. You can get a nice, low miles Bolt with a brand new battery pack(due to the recall) for <$20000. I just picked up a 2018 super clean california lease with 20k miles and the pack was replaced in July. $17500.

Sure its kind of a econobox, but honestly, its not a bad car. Heated steering

Mr. Toyoda was correct in focusing on hybrids at Toyota.

Radio volume and HVAC temp should be physical knobs. Trying to hit a touch screen when you’re bouncing down a road to adjust that stuff is effing stupid. 

This past week, I got a Mustang and an Edge as rentals.

Why thank you, but it still doesn’t change the fact that Kotaku has ALWAYS talked about things tangential to games themselves.You literally said “stick to game engines” like that’s the only possible topic there is for gaming news.

“Please. You don’t just “slip up” and throw that word around unless you use it casually in your everyday life.”

Yeah! No talk about game soundtracks, or concept art, or stories! Just game engines and only game engines! Better not even talk about the games made with those engines!

Epic Games and the fact Bandcamp is a place to purchase indie gaming soundtracks makes this gaming related. If you can’t handle that, why even read