Jesus Presley

I remember when people on 4chan came together to make a dating sim regarding characters with disabilities. Expected it to be absolutely horrible and lo and behold it wasn’t a tastless mess. Then you get the otherside of 4chan...

I don’t understand bigots. Now do I understand nonbinary? Not at all, since I’d think people are just thier biological gender without caring about concepts of masculinity or feminity. The difference is even though I don’t understand it and think trying to outright change language (all language I mean, of course people

The russians stole the election in 2016. And lets not get started how the GOP stole the 2000 election. An eye for an eye.

If long fingernails stripped steering wheels then every used Impala sold below the Mason Dixon would be absolutely wrecked. 

Violence must be met with violence in a world with no protectors. Queers and minorities need to start doxxing and swatting.

Enough with the performative finger-wagging. The point of these records, dating back to the Cannonball, was to prove how ridiculously conservative our traffic laws are. It's not surprising that the Cannonballs, or these records, ended safely because the drivers were actually paying attention. A lot of attention.

I honestly don’t mind, it’s more interesting than just about every other story on the front page right now except for that crash that killed six.

Nice. Bye

It “FERMENTED” organized crime? I think you meant “FOMENTED”, professional writer.

This article honestly reads like a satire of left-wing journalism.

Developers “hey i think these aesthetics for our simple game would be neat”

The insufferable Kotaku strikes again.

Fuck off with this bullshit. Having characters wear a certain type of hat is not racist. It’s very bizarre that you want a game about being a cat to have to explain the dark history of a city such as drug use and gang activity.

the cat game didn’t do enough to reckon with harmful stereotypes.

“I just wanted to play a cute cat game without the techno-orientalism.”

It’s a fictional game in a fictional city with fictional robots. Also, you are writing for a website called “Kotaku”. ANY comment on THAT “orientalism” or appropriation?

This is ridiculous. F*ck off for a thousand years.

Remember when video games were fun?

Btw this is how you’d write Kotaku in Japanese: こタク

Please try some GM top end decarbonizer, you will need to order it from a dealer. Many ‘80s cars had issue with stuck rings, this could  get you another 10,000 miles of time to sort other things out and give some satisfaction from your efforts. Keep going, you already know more about your task than most that post...