Jesus Presley

The amount of homophobia in Islam is disgusting. 

I see that you are openly homophobic. Fuck you. 

Religion isn’t the only cause of homophobia, but anyone who believes that killing religion won’t also kill a good chunk of homophobia is kidding themselves. Most, if not all, of the major ones tends to be very insistent on heterosexuality as the only proper romantic relationship.

What happened is we gave idiots the time of day by pretending all opinions are valid because of first amendment rights. Now they think as long as they are lound and stupid enough their opinions are still equally valid. By suffering idiots we have backed ourselves into a corner and it's far too late to do anything

Amazing how you speak so confidently about his “poor” understandimg of Islam when you are actually the one who has zero understanding of Islam. Islam is very clearly anti lgbt, that is where his bigotry ultimately comes from so his statement is 100% accurate. You know the other Abrahamic faiths are all anti lgbt

Moving is always an option. I moved from a country that was intolerant to LGBTQ+ and had a high crime rate, to one that promoted tolerance, heavily restricted firearms, and promoted social services. Most of my family stayed behind but I keep in touch almost every day.

So are gay people allowed to say they don’t support Muslims because they are taught via their religion to hate them?
I feel like if someone said this all hell would break loose.

Fuck the Muslim religion” needs to be as commonly said as “fuck organized religion”, or “fuck Christianity.” It’s all shit. You can love the people, but hate their beliefs. It’s how one should feel about Judaism, Hindu, Buddhism, etc., equally, and not just Christianity. 

Kek islam the og pedo religion

Much like religion itself, I’m convinced that the negatives outweigh the positives

The Internet was a mistake.

I am frequently unable to view the comments under slideshow articles. It’s like Kinja refuses to extend the page downward to allow the comments to become visible.

The rear bogies on a semi trailer are attached by some pins and gravity; a lot of times they’re on a track so they can be adjusted fore and aft after pulling the pins. They aren’t really made to take fore-and-aft forces other than whatever braking effort the trailer’s drum brakes can scrounge up.

Hi, dev here. Time to share my sex tech history knowledge since they still haven’t made that a Jeopardy category.

About 2 or 3 weeks before the Jobst video dropped I was cleaning my office and realized I bought a copy of Breath of the Wild on Wii U and completely forgot about it. Turns out it was the first edition misprint, so I thought “Hey, I should get this sealed and graded” because why not it’s an oddity. Then I looked up

I mean, let’s be fair here. On an absolute scale “niche toys for the wealthy” is pretty much the definition of gaming.

You are the second person to say this here. The Quest 2 starts at $300. Not cheap but hardily breaking the bank and cheaper then any next Gen console(except the Series S).

You are incorrect.

Yeah, I’ll agree with the “VR is the future of gaming” loons being a little overzealous about the importance of the tech but I’ll add to the objections on VR being a “niche toy for the wealthy”. I’m definitely what you’d call “bottom bracket” and I have a Quest 2. It didn’t cost me any more than any other game console

I’m a little torn on this. Because I’m nowhere near “wealthy”. Like... at all. Not even a little. And I have a PSVR. It was a big expense, sure. The biggest of the year I got it. But I did still get it. VR is within the reach of most dedicated gamers, they just have to make that their major gaming purchase for a good