Jesus Presley

It would be such a shame if Facebook went bankrupt. 

I’d have never seen this one sentence if it weren’t for this Kotaku article, so congrats on elevating the hype for a thing that doesn’t exist.

Or is there a media that is desperate for stories to fill the 24/7 void, so if they can badger Murray for clickbait quotes, they will do so endlessly. And even if they don’t get a quote that is usable, they’ll still go off and whip up a clickbait article. Maybe the problem here isn’t Murray?

I’m all for tempering expectation, but considering how No Man’s Sky has become a genuine success story for a team sticking with it... this feels kind of mean. Also, the news cycle that is always keen on a spicy quote certainly plays a role in this, too. 

Save your internet anger for companies that deserve it, like EA, Activision, Bethesda, ect.. ect...

Hello Games made a mistake, and have made up for that and then some. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt before you start rolling your cheeto encrusted eyes.

Its not his fault. It’s outlets like yours looking for cheap headlines. Just make a story on the announcement, let the guy make his damn game and shut up about it.

The Last Campfire

honestly this article is based heavily on personal opinion. No Mans Sky promised a lot and didn’t deliver yes. But guess what? They are still one of the only development teams that actively fixed problems. The game is in a much better spot than it was and I’m glad they stuck with it. You realize how much making these

It’s fine to say that your new project is ambitious. As long as you don’t mention features and/or content that don’t actually exist yet, people’s expectations will be kept in check.

He can say and do whatever he wants, especially since he and the studio have redeemed themselves, and NMS is now one of those MINT games.
Seriously, this entire article reads like the author is jealous of Seans position.

what Murray and his team have been able to pull off with its smooth procedural generation has been groundbreaking. He is certainly not Molyneux, thankfully.

Let him hype stuff! He’s excited about the things he makes; kinda nice to see that in the gaming industry still, people with big ambitions trying to push the boundaries. At least he’s not churning out the same copy-paste shit as the big studios. Not to mention his game actually released (lookin’ at you, Ken Levine!).

Two sentences, describing the project as ambitious? I don’t seriously take that as hype. No Man’s Sky was ambitious, even in its initial state. Yes, boring and missing many promised features, but still quite ambitious.

There’s a really notable difference: Sean eventually delivered on his promises.

This reads like someone that still holds a grudge towards “No Man’s Sky”. Look at how much work was put it in since the release. Did they mess up? Yes! However they also owned up and have supported a game with substantial and creative updates for close to 6 years!

I disagree. Sure, both made original claims that were a bit much, but that’s where the similarities end.

Honestly, Peter Molyneux’s shtick is so much more cynical. He knows he’s lying, and he continue to peddle it.

Sean seems to understand how his previous marketing stance was flawed but also tends to get really excited about cool projects.

Or HEY maybe he’s earned his moment? Instead of constantly shitting on this dude, you can respect his teams efforts to go above and beyond and deliver a game well beyond anything that was originally promised?

You are making the incorrect assumption that flat earthers are also not religious extremist when the vast majority of them are biblical literalist. They are also almost always conservative in their beliefs. Not usually directly “Republican” because these types usually forgo being “political” in any meaningful way but

The struggle is real. I have Q believing family members and I can’t debate them on anything because once they start my brain shuts off.